Things are magnificent in Chorley. We just had the best week of my
mission. We have four baptisms coming up this next week! Woo! All of
them are so solid and have such strong testimonies. One of the people
we are teaching is a young man (20) named Anthony. He is by far the
most prepared person I have ever taught. I'm so excited for him! I
bought loads of stuff last P-day and I'm pretty much set for the
things I wanted to get. Things are running quite smoothly and I love
it. I'll be giving my departing testimony this week in Zone
Conference. Time certainly flies. I have become quite complacent with
my diet and exercise and I'm probably not going to be in the best of
shape for my return, but I'm not overly bothered. Oh, I also received
my going home letter. It has tags for my luggage and all the info I
need for my return home. I don't think it has really hit me yet that I
only have 2 and a half more weeks, but I'm sure it will sink in soon.
I'm just enjoying these last couple of weeks.
Life is great and the gospel is true.
Hope everything is going well back home! Talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
These are photos from a zone activity last transfer where we went to
Old Trafford and played soccer.

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