Hello Family,
This is my final greeting from abroad. Sad times. I can't believe how
fast time is moving right now. I'll be home before I know it. Life is
good in Chorley. We had our four baptisms this last week and they were
all amazing. Each and every one of them is so solid in the gospel and
it's fantastic! I also gave my departing testimony in Zone Conference,
which went well, and I also got to show off my bouncing a golf ball on
a golf club skills for one of the mission presidents trainings. That
was fun =) This week I have two exchanges, an activity with the YSA
being done by our mission president, witnessing the torch come trough
Chorley (legitimate), and I'm going back for a baptism in Warrington
on Saturday =D Poppy, the daughter of Irene, is getting baptised. I'm
so stoked! The end of my mission is going to be so epic! We also have
the mission home fireside which we are going to on Sunday because one
of our recent converts is speaking there, then another exchange on
Monday, then Tuesday I pack up and say goodbyes, then Wednesday I'm
done. Unbelievable.
This truly has been the best two years of my life. It's been the
hardest, but happiest time of my life. I have learned SO much. I'm
going to be forever different in a very positive way because of my
mission and I love that! THE GOSPEL IS SO TRUE!
Life is wonderful isn't it?
Thank you so much for all the support and emails and prayers you have
given me while I have been out. I really appreciate it. This wouldn't
have been the same without all the help. I'm excited to see you all
very soon.
Keep making good choices and be happy!
Elder Misbach