Hello Familia!
Well those pictures took ages! It's a good thing I have nothing better
to do this P-day. I'm thinking about buying cake mix and baking a cake
today, but I'm also trying to be a bit healthier, so I'm in conflict
right now. I hope the pictures turn out all right and they are a
satisfactory representation of my time in Rochdale. Turns out that if
I had just ignored the signs that said I can't use a USB from the
beginning, I could have been sending pictures this entire time. Oh
I might make my email(s) a bit short this week because of how long
that took, but life is still good. Nothing too interesting has
happened recently. We continue to preach the gospel and seek the
Lord's help. It was a rough week weather wise so we didn't achieve too
much, but it was still good. The flat is clean, the gospel is true,
and life is good!
I hope everyone is doing well back in the states. I wish I could have
been there for the 9/11 anniversary. We had a minute of silence in
church, but that was about it. Talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
Sept. 5, 2011
Hello Familia,

This last week was a pretty good one. The Church History Tour was
excellent. Albert Dock was by far the most interesting. We walked past
the Beatles museum and we were able to look in the Maritime Museum
which has life size replicas of what it would be like to emigrate to
America. That was very interesting. At the River Ribble, President
Preston thought it would be fun if the two zones that were there each
chose a missionary to race across the bridge "to be the first baptized
in the UK". Sadly, I was chosen for the Ashton zone. Before I give the
results I should explain the surrounding factors: 1) I had received
very little sleep due to the excitement of the tour 2) I decided it
would be fun to get there early and start the day off by having
breakfast at Greggs, so I ate three meat pastries and a caramel
doughnut before 9 am 3) I had just eaten some very poor/soggy chicken
sandwiches that I prepared the night before 4) I washed that down with
some chocolate mini-rolls and candy 5) I'm out of shape 6) I was under
the impression that I was still as fast as I was when I was younger 7)
I raced against the human version of Speedy Gonzales. Seriously
though, he is probably six inches shorter than me from El Salvador,
his name is Elder Diaz, and I have never seen someone move so quick in
my life 8) Lastly, I had the family curse working against me. I know
there isn't much actual evidence that Henry Clegg came second, but if
he did, I honored his name. Needless to say, I lost; pretty badly. I
have some pictures of it, that I will send soon hopefully. It was fun
Really isn't much else to say about last week. I received some very
upsetting news about the family I baptized in Colwyn Bay, but there
isn't much I can do about that. Testimonies are so fragile. That is
something that I have learned on my mission. A knowledge of the truth
and a love of the gospel can vanish in a moment if you aren't careful.
And it can be for some of the stupidest reasons. There is a good hymn
that President Preston pointed out that has to do with that, it's
number 336 "School thy Feelings." It is very good.
Overall life is good, the gospel is true, and things are going well.
Hope everything is going good back in the States.
Elder Misbach
PS: GO COUGARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
beginnings of the race (you can see how badly I was already

losing...it was sad)
end of the race (I had long given up at this point and was going for
the laughs, hence the exaggerated stride

Elder Sapaden and I at Albert Dock in Liverpool

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