Hello Family,
This past week was fantastic. Donna was baptized!!!!! Woo!!!! She ended up being 40 minutes late (because it was the first snow fall of the year on that day) and the font had an unknown leak that made the water height about to Elder Smith's knees, but other than that it was perfect. We had a lot of members show up to support her. I did the confirmation yesterday and it went well. She is just great. We also had a Christmas Dinner at the Mission Home, which was quite nice. We were supposed to organize 20 minutes of entertainment as a zone, so our zone wrote a play, haha. It was the Christmas Carol, but missionary version. I was the ghost of Christmas past. As you might imagine, it was downright horrible, haha. We obviously couldn't practice or anything, but it was quite fun, and President and Sister Preston enjoyed it. We also watched a new movie about the pioneers called "17 Miracles" which was quite good. I recommend it. You can tell it's low budget, but I still enjoyed it. I have my final driving lesson today and my test is Wednesday morning. I feel just about as prepared as last time, so I really need help, ha. We have two dinner appointments on Christmas. I will be skyping from my Ward Mission Leaders home. I don't know if you will get the chance to meet him, but he is a goof, ha. The later time is perfect for me, so we will do it then.
Things are good. Wish me luck on my test. I hope everyone is doing well and I will see you on Sunday!
Elder Misbach
Oh ya, and Liverpool actually wasn't that great. I take back what I said about 3 months ago. I like Manchester better, haha.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
December 12, 2011
Dearest Family of Mine,
Things are going well in England. Donna is getting baptized this Friday!! Woo!! I can't believe the progress she has made from the day that we first met her till now. I love it! Everything is sorted out and it should be a great event. This last week we had a Christmas party in the ward, and President Preston actually wants us to go to things like that, so we went. It was fun. I got a tie from one of the members which was nice. It's a good looking tie, but it's too skinny for me to wear it on my mission, haha. Luckily, I wore a similar looking tie that I already own on Sunday and she - the member - couldn't tell the difference. So I was obedient, and she was happy =) Nothing else happened this week that is really worth mentioning. I am going to Liverpool today with the district to just look around and maybe get a few souvenirs. I'm excited. Oh, I also took another driving lesson this week, and this instructor is way better than the last one. I have two more lessons and then my test is on Wednesday the 21st. Wish me luck, because I will need it. I think that this instructor will have me ready though. Also, I will be skyping on Christmas night. I can do it from 5 to 6 pm (10-11am in Utah) or from 8-9 pm (1-2 pm in Utah). I'm not bothered which time, but I figure whatever time didn't conflict with CB and Malia's sacrament would be the best. Just let me know. Anyway, I hope everything is going well back home and I will talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
Things are going well in England. Donna is getting baptized this Friday!! Woo!! I can't believe the progress she has made from the day that we first met her till now. I love it! Everything is sorted out and it should be a great event. This last week we had a Christmas party in the ward, and President Preston actually wants us to go to things like that, so we went. It was fun. I got a tie from one of the members which was nice. It's a good looking tie, but it's too skinny for me to wear it on my mission, haha. Luckily, I wore a similar looking tie that I already own on Sunday and she - the member - couldn't tell the difference. So I was obedient, and she was happy =) Nothing else happened this week that is really worth mentioning. I am going to Liverpool today with the district to just look around and maybe get a few souvenirs. I'm excited. Oh, I also took another driving lesson this week, and this instructor is way better than the last one. I have two more lessons and then my test is on Wednesday the 21st. Wish me luck, because I will need it. I think that this instructor will have me ready though. Also, I will be skyping on Christmas night. I can do it from 5 to 6 pm (10-11am in Utah) or from 8-9 pm (1-2 pm in Utah). I'm not bothered which time, but I figure whatever time didn't conflict with CB and Malia's sacrament would be the best. Just let me know. Anyway, I hope everything is going well back home and I will talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Well hello familia,
That was another good round of emails. Thank you. As for me in England, things are good. The new focus the mission has, is refocusing on finding, and focusing less on the member relationships. I was just getting the hang of member work. But it's good. The mission was getting so lazy. Donna is back! Woo! She is again dated for the 17th and went to our mission home fireside last night, which was excellent. She apparently encountered the "perfect storm" of circumstances that made her lose contact with us. That either means it's a very elaborate excuse, or Satan at work. I firmly believe it to be Satan. Thankfully God always wins. Other than that, we had the temple zone conference, which was excellent, and I also went on exchange in Liverpool. Last week went so quick. We unfortunately did not get much accomplished, but this week should be better. Warrington is a lot more festive than Telford was last year, which is nice. A lot of people are already putting up Christmas lights. Oh! I also bought new shoes, which were such a steal, and so nice, that I decided to make them my "meetings" shoes. That meant that I still didn't have working shoes though...Until I went to Liverpool that is. One of the areas in our mission changed from an Elders area to a Sisters area and the sisters had just dropped off a bag of all the old things left in the flat. Inside were some brand new, thick soled, shoes that someone had left behind. Elder Feith said I could try them on and they are perfect!! They are really ugly, but I love them! It was a good week. I hope everyone back home is doing well.
Elder Misbach
PS: I have decided that my favorite soccer club outside the U.S. is Everton. =)
That was another good round of emails. Thank you. As for me in England, things are good. The new focus the mission has, is refocusing on finding, and focusing less on the member relationships. I was just getting the hang of member work. But it's good. The mission was getting so lazy. Donna is back! Woo! She is again dated for the 17th and went to our mission home fireside last night, which was excellent. She apparently encountered the "perfect storm" of circumstances that made her lose contact with us. That either means it's a very elaborate excuse, or Satan at work. I firmly believe it to be Satan. Thankfully God always wins. Other than that, we had the temple zone conference, which was excellent, and I also went on exchange in Liverpool. Last week went so quick. We unfortunately did not get much accomplished, but this week should be better. Warrington is a lot more festive than Telford was last year, which is nice. A lot of people are already putting up Christmas lights. Oh! I also bought new shoes, which were such a steal, and so nice, that I decided to make them my "meetings" shoes. That meant that I still didn't have working shoes though...Until I went to Liverpool that is. One of the areas in our mission changed from an Elders area to a Sisters area and the sisters had just dropped off a bag of all the old things left in the flat. Inside were some brand new, thick soled, shoes that someone had left behind. Elder Feith said I could try them on and they are perfect!! They are really ugly, but I love them! It was a good week. I hope everyone back home is doing well.
Elder Misbach
PS: I have decided that my favorite soccer club outside the U.S. is Everton. =)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
November 28, 2011
Well hello family,
Things in Warrington are going alright. Our investigator Donna has disappeared. We taught her a lesson in our Bishops home and then she went out of town for the rest of the week. She was supposed to be back in time for another lesson on Saturday, and we confirmed with her Friday, but she is no where to be found. We honestly have no idea what happened to her. I was mostly concerned for her physical safety up until last night when our call was actually rejected, as opposed to ignored. Now I'm more concerned for her spiritual safety. We will see how things go though. Elder Smith and I are doing well. We are getting along better know. Our mission is going with a new focus again which is pretty intense. Right when I felt like I was getting the hang of it, they change it. I seriously love it though. I love how the Lord works. I'm currently reading about Joseph (son of Jacob) and it is fascinating. I love when the gospel puzzle comes together. I had one pretty funny experience this week, that I still enjoy just thinking about it. In England because of the way the electric works there are no outlets or light switches on the inside of the bathroom, they are all on the outside. So you are at the mercy of whomever is outside the bathroom while you are in it. I have never bothered to take advantage of this because that would be a fairly inappropriate prank, but this week I did it by accident. You would really have to know Elder Smith and have heard his voice in order to get the experience, so I wont share it, but you can imagine what memorable experiences could arise from that situation. It was pretty funny. Other than that, we press forward. Things are good and the gospel is true. Thank you for the emails and I hope you are all doing well.
Elder Misbach
PS: I should be buying shoes for the first time on my mission today. Wish me luck. I'm so cheap that I always end up buying the most defective products.
PPS: As part of our Zone Conference, we are going to the Temple this week. Totally Jazzed!
Things in Warrington are going alright. Our investigator Donna has disappeared. We taught her a lesson in our Bishops home and then she went out of town for the rest of the week. She was supposed to be back in time for another lesson on Saturday, and we confirmed with her Friday, but she is no where to be found. We honestly have no idea what happened to her. I was mostly concerned for her physical safety up until last night when our call was actually rejected, as opposed to ignored. Now I'm more concerned for her spiritual safety. We will see how things go though. Elder Smith and I are doing well. We are getting along better know. Our mission is going with a new focus again which is pretty intense. Right when I felt like I was getting the hang of it, they change it. I seriously love it though. I love how the Lord works. I'm currently reading about Joseph (son of Jacob) and it is fascinating. I love when the gospel puzzle comes together. I had one pretty funny experience this week, that I still enjoy just thinking about it. In England because of the way the electric works there are no outlets or light switches on the inside of the bathroom, they are all on the outside. So you are at the mercy of whomever is outside the bathroom while you are in it. I have never bothered to take advantage of this because that would be a fairly inappropriate prank, but this week I did it by accident. You would really have to know Elder Smith and have heard his voice in order to get the experience, so I wont share it, but you can imagine what memorable experiences could arise from that situation. It was pretty funny. Other than that, we press forward. Things are good and the gospel is true. Thank you for the emails and I hope you are all doing well.
Elder Misbach
PS: I should be buying shoes for the first time on my mission today. Wish me luck. I'm so cheap that I always end up buying the most defective products.
PPS: As part of our Zone Conference, we are going to the Temple this week. Totally Jazzed!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Hello Familia,
Well things are going well. Our investigator Donna has moved her date up to the 17th of December and we now have another dated investigator for New Years Eve. Marvelous! Other than that, I really don't have anything exciting to report. I'm sorry. I don't even really have any funny experiences to share. I have them daily, but they are things that you really have to be there in order to get...I found out this week that Alcoholics Anonymous is actually a very spiritual program, which made me happy. (We taught someone who had gained a belief in God because of that program). I have realized on my mission that no matter what level of maturity you reach, flatulence will always be funny. I also received a very deep insight about the use of agency in the Celestial Kingdom from our Ward Mission Leader. That was interesting. I could also let you know that I have a journal entry for every single day of my mission. I continue to astound other missionaries with my diligent journal writing. I can't wait to go back a look at the entries after my mission. Well I'm sorry I have nothing interesting to report, but I hope everything is going well back home and I look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with you in a years time!
Elder Misbach
Well things are going well. Our investigator Donna has moved her date up to the 17th of December and we now have another dated investigator for New Years Eve. Marvelous! Other than that, I really don't have anything exciting to report. I'm sorry. I don't even really have any funny experiences to share. I have them daily, but they are things that you really have to be there in order to get...I found out this week that Alcoholics Anonymous is actually a very spiritual program, which made me happy. (We taught someone who had gained a belief in God because of that program). I have realized on my mission that no matter what level of maturity you reach, flatulence will always be funny. I also received a very deep insight about the use of agency in the Celestial Kingdom from our Ward Mission Leader. That was interesting. I could also let you know that I have a journal entry for every single day of my mission. I continue to astound other missionaries with my diligent journal writing. I can't wait to go back a look at the entries after my mission. Well I'm sorry I have nothing interesting to report, but I hope everything is going well back home and I look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with you in a years time!
Elder Misbach
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Hello family,
So Elder Smith and I are staying together for another transfer. There are four missionaries in my district and at the last district meeting we had our transfer predictions. We predicted everything except for what actually happened, ha. The only missionary that moved was the one missionary we said would stay. Elder Smith and I were pretty shocked to hear that we are staying together, but things should be good. One of our investigators that we found and have been working with ever since I got here is now dated for baptism!! Woo! We had a great spiritual lesson with the senior couple in our ward and she has accepted to be baptized in December. Great stuff. We have been teaching in member's homes lately and it's been nice. The weather is getting much colder, darker, and gloomier. Luckily, the gospel remains bright and shinning brighter every day. Pretty soon I will have to begin my workout schedule that I have saved for the last six months of my mission. I don't have high hopes for me actually carrying it out, but in theory it will be great. The flat obtained a level of clean I didn't think was possible when I first moved in, when we organized the room with the bikes today. It's lovely right now. We are also doing A LOT of walking right now because Elder Smith broke the spokes on his bike. The new missionary in my district is a very jolly Welsh missionary that I served around in Colwyn Bay, so I'm quite pleased with that. Other than that, things are going ok. We are working hard and seeing success. I hope that everyone is doing well. Speak to you soon!
Elder Misbach
So Elder Smith and I are staying together for another transfer. There are four missionaries in my district and at the last district meeting we had our transfer predictions. We predicted everything except for what actually happened, ha. The only missionary that moved was the one missionary we said would stay. Elder Smith and I were pretty shocked to hear that we are staying together, but things should be good. One of our investigators that we found and have been working with ever since I got here is now dated for baptism!! Woo! We had a great spiritual lesson with the senior couple in our ward and she has accepted to be baptized in December. Great stuff. We have been teaching in member's homes lately and it's been nice. The weather is getting much colder, darker, and gloomier. Luckily, the gospel remains bright and shinning brighter every day. Pretty soon I will have to begin my workout schedule that I have saved for the last six months of my mission. I don't have high hopes for me actually carrying it out, but in theory it will be great. The flat obtained a level of clean I didn't think was possible when I first moved in, when we organized the room with the bikes today. It's lovely right now. We are also doing A LOT of walking right now because Elder Smith broke the spokes on his bike. The new missionary in my district is a very jolly Welsh missionary that I served around in Colwyn Bay, so I'm quite pleased with that. Other than that, things are going ok. We are working hard and seeing success. I hope that everyone is doing well. Speak to you soon!
Elder Misbach
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
November 7, 2011
Hello Family,
So this week was interesting. Halloween was nice. I was able to catch up on all of my letters and take a lovely nap. Guy Fawkes day was pretty entertaining. I have never been a big fireworks person, but it was a nice change of pace. The most interesting thing that happened besides that was on Thursday and Friday. Thursday Elder Smith and I had a very large disagreement about obedience (I felt he wasn't being obedient deliberately). That conversation ended up with Elder Smith bringing up various concerns. He was so upset that on Friday we ended up at the mission home from 10 until 3. That was a good time and I think Elder Smith has overcome a lot of the concerns and struggles he was having. After the mission home our mission president actually came and fellowshipped for one of our lessons, haha. That was certainly the oddest day of my mission so far. Things are fine now though. We also had the non-member husband of one of our members say he wants to be baptized. Woo! We have been teaching him. He wont set a date to be baptized, but says it's something he wants to do eventually. We also deep cleaned the flat today and now it is gorgeous. I love clean flats. Other than that, not much happened. I did go on exchange with Elder Chan who is Chinese. It is great to see him share the gospel in Chinese. We had a lot of funny moments.
Overall life is good and the gospel gets truer every time I check. I hope everyone is doing well. I wont be emailing again until Wednesday or Thursday of next week, it's transfers again.
Elder Misbach
October 31, 2011
Hello Familia,
This last week was a very busy week. I was on exchange for the first part of the week in Widnes, then we had our zone conference with President Kopishke, and on Friday I had my Mission District Leaders Council. So I worked in my own area for only about 3 days last week. Zone Conference was very interesting and different from normal. It was basically just an open discussion about various gospel topics for about 6 hours. It was enlightening. Friday was great. I love being around other missionaries that just know what they are doing and have a desire to be their best. We had a lot of discussion about how the mission is going to move forward since President Kopishkes visit. The biggest change is that the Assistants will now have their own area. I'm super jazzed to see how that is going to work. D and L came to church again but D refuses to live one of the commandments. They have reached their point of stagnancy. It's unfortunate. Hopefully things will change soon though. Today is Halloween so we just worked for three hours to make up the three hours that we will be staying in this evening. I'm quite excited; especially because fireworks are allowed on Halloween here. We also have Guy Fawkes day on Saturday which should be interesting. Other than that, things are good and life keeps moving forward. It's crazy to think how long I have been out. I hope that everyone is doing well and staying safe.
Happy Halloween!
Elder Misbach
PS: I wont have much time at all to respond individually. Sorry if my responses are lame. Thank you for the emails though!
So this week was interesting. Halloween was nice. I was able to catch up on all of my letters and take a lovely nap. Guy Fawkes day was pretty entertaining. I have never been a big fireworks person, but it was a nice change of pace. The most interesting thing that happened besides that was on Thursday and Friday. Thursday Elder Smith and I had a very large disagreement about obedience (I felt he wasn't being obedient deliberately). That conversation ended up with Elder Smith bringing up various concerns. He was so upset that on Friday we ended up at the mission home from 10 until 3. That was a good time and I think Elder Smith has overcome a lot of the concerns and struggles he was having. After the mission home our mission president actually came and fellowshipped for one of our lessons, haha. That was certainly the oddest day of my mission so far. Things are fine now though. We also had the non-member husband of one of our members say he wants to be baptized. Woo! We have been teaching him. He wont set a date to be baptized, but says it's something he wants to do eventually. We also deep cleaned the flat today and now it is gorgeous. I love clean flats. Other than that, not much happened. I did go on exchange with Elder Chan who is Chinese. It is great to see him share the gospel in Chinese. We had a lot of funny moments.
Overall life is good and the gospel gets truer every time I check. I hope everyone is doing well. I wont be emailing again until Wednesday or Thursday of next week, it's transfers again.
Elder Misbach
October 31, 2011
Hello Familia,
This last week was a very busy week. I was on exchange for the first part of the week in Widnes, then we had our zone conference with President Kopishke, and on Friday I had my Mission District Leaders Council. So I worked in my own area for only about 3 days last week. Zone Conference was very interesting and different from normal. It was basically just an open discussion about various gospel topics for about 6 hours. It was enlightening. Friday was great. I love being around other missionaries that just know what they are doing and have a desire to be their best. We had a lot of discussion about how the mission is going to move forward since President Kopishkes visit. The biggest change is that the Assistants will now have their own area. I'm super jazzed to see how that is going to work. D and L came to church again but D refuses to live one of the commandments. They have reached their point of stagnancy. It's unfortunate. Hopefully things will change soon though. Today is Halloween so we just worked for three hours to make up the three hours that we will be staying in this evening. I'm quite excited; especially because fireworks are allowed on Halloween here. We also have Guy Fawkes day on Saturday which should be interesting. Other than that, things are good and life keeps moving forward. It's crazy to think how long I have been out. I hope that everyone is doing well and staying safe.
Happy Halloween!
Elder Misbach
PS: I wont have much time at all to respond individually. Sorry if my responses are lame. Thank you for the emails though!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Hello Familia,
This week was another great week. Not really with success, but just a good week. We did have Donna and Lisa come to church though! That was very good. They are doing well but still unsure about baptism. I just barely came off of an exchange with Elder Dantas. He is from Portugal; the island of Madeira. That was a very enjoyable exchange and now I want to vacation in Portugal. I had my second interview with President Preston which went well. The flat is clean again. Overall, things are good. Time just flies. I was reflecting a lot on the beginning of my mission this week and it still feels like that was just a few months ago. This week is going to be a great week. We have our zone conference with the area president and then I also have a mission district leader council at the mission home. I'm sure I will be back in front of this computer in no time. Well, sorry I don't have much to say, but life is good.
I hope everyone back home is doing well.
Elder Misbach
This week was another great week. Not really with success, but just a good week. We did have Donna and Lisa come to church though! That was very good. They are doing well but still unsure about baptism. I just barely came off of an exchange with Elder Dantas. He is from Portugal; the island of Madeira. That was a very enjoyable exchange and now I want to vacation in Portugal. I had my second interview with President Preston which went well. The flat is clean again. Overall, things are good. Time just flies. I was reflecting a lot on the beginning of my mission this week and it still feels like that was just a few months ago. This week is going to be a great week. We have our zone conference with the area president and then I also have a mission district leader council at the mission home. I'm sure I will be back in front of this computer in no time. Well, sorry I don't have much to say, but life is good.
I hope everyone back home is doing well.
Elder Misbach
Thursday, October 20, 2011
October 17, 2011
Greetings familia,
This week has been one of miracles. We were able to find and teach 7 new investigators. Two of those new investigators would have come to church and been dated for baptism if they hadn't slept through their alarm.
I love bikes. It is so much easier to be urgent on a bike. I really don't know why we deserved it, but we were blessed all week long.
The weather on Saturday and Sunday was great, but overall the weather in Warrington has been less-than-fantastic. Most of the time there is just a constant mist. A mist that never ceases to annoy and by the end of the day has drenched you. But we persevere.
I don't have much else to say except that our flat is even cleaner this week than last week , I'm trying to eat healthy again, and I'm going to try and use normal razors to shave. Other than that, life moves forward with hope and happiness.
I hope that everyone is doing well back home and talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
This week has been one of miracles. We were able to find and teach 7 new investigators. Two of those new investigators would have come to church and been dated for baptism if they hadn't slept through their alarm.
I love bikes. It is so much easier to be urgent on a bike. I really don't know why we deserved it, but we were blessed all week long.
The weather on Saturday and Sunday was great, but overall the weather in Warrington has been less-than-fantastic. Most of the time there is just a constant mist. A mist that never ceases to annoy and by the end of the day has drenched you. But we persevere.
I don't have much else to say except that our flat is even cleaner this week than last week , I'm trying to eat healthy again, and I'm going to try and use normal razors to shave. Other than that, life moves forward with hope and happiness.
I hope that everyone is doing well back home and talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
Friday, October 14, 2011
October 10, 2011
Hello familia,
Life is good in Warrington. We don't have any real investigators and we are going to have to make up for some dodginess that has occurred in the past few transfers, but other than that, this area is great. I just love the feel of it. In all of my past areas I reached a point where I was just bored of the same places and people over and over again, but this area is SO huge that i will never have that problem. I'm jazzed! I also love riding the bikes. This area is table top flat compared to Telford, so it's really easy riding. Plus, the mission got new standard bikes shortly after I left Telford, which I was a bit bitter about at first, but now I get to enjoy a much nicer bike than what I was riding in Telford. There are times where it seems like too much fun. Like last night when we were coasting home under the street lights over the river Mersey, with the perfect breeze in our faces, right after a rain fall. It was wonderful. Elder Smith and I are getting along nicely. Again, my companion and I have two VERY different personalities, but we are getting along great. Nothing really interesting has happened in the past few days except that I saw downtown Liverpool for the first time on Saturday. I was traveling to District Leader Council and it is quite the experience. I would much rather go on vacation to Liverpool than to Manchester. It's a bit too worldly for me to enjoy as a missionary, but as a civilian it would be a memorable experience. We also cleaned the flat today which was a nice, refreshing, experience for me. I love clean flats. That was pretty much the last piece of the puzzle, now Warrington is in prime position to experience success.
Anyway, life is good, the gospel is true, and my mission gets ever more enjoyable. I hope everyone back home is doing well. Talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
Life is good in Warrington. We don't have any real investigators and we are going to have to make up for some dodginess that has occurred in the past few transfers, but other than that, this area is great. I just love the feel of it. In all of my past areas I reached a point where I was just bored of the same places and people over and over again, but this area is SO huge that i will never have that problem. I'm jazzed! I also love riding the bikes. This area is table top flat compared to Telford, so it's really easy riding. Plus, the mission got new standard bikes shortly after I left Telford, which I was a bit bitter about at first, but now I get to enjoy a much nicer bike than what I was riding in Telford. There are times where it seems like too much fun. Like last night when we were coasting home under the street lights over the river Mersey, with the perfect breeze in our faces, right after a rain fall. It was wonderful. Elder Smith and I are getting along nicely. Again, my companion and I have two VERY different personalities, but we are getting along great. Nothing really interesting has happened in the past few days except that I saw downtown Liverpool for the first time on Saturday. I was traveling to District Leader Council and it is quite the experience. I would much rather go on vacation to Liverpool than to Manchester. It's a bit too worldly for me to enjoy as a missionary, but as a civilian it would be a memorable experience. We also cleaned the flat today which was a nice, refreshing, experience for me. I love clean flats. That was pretty much the last piece of the puzzle, now Warrington is in prime position to experience success.
Anyway, life is good, the gospel is true, and my mission gets ever more enjoyable. I hope everyone back home is doing well. Talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
October 3, 2011
Hello Familia!
I'm writing you from the library in Warrington, England. I had very mixed feelings when I got called to this area because I knew nothing about it, which is normally not a great sign, but I love it here! It's very much like Colwyn Bay when it comes to missionary work. It's seen as a slower area. It's not as pretty, but it is quite nice. This area is huge! It's by far the most I have had to work with, and we are back on bikes!! Woo! I'm pretty jazzed. I'm not too excited about the money I will have to spend especially because of how much this drivers licence is costing, but it will be good. On that note, I failed my drivers test . I knew as soon as I failed as well. It was quite unpleasant. I changed lanes in a roundabout without signalling about 5 minutes in and that was it. I made a few other mistakes later on, but all I was thinking about was how irritating it was to still be taking the test despite the fact that I already knew I had failed. C'est la vie. Now I'm going to have to take it in Warrington. I'm mostly irritated because of how expensive it is now, but, again, c'est la vie. I'm serving with Elder M. Smith (as opposed to Elder W. Smith, who was my companion two companions ago) and things are going well already. It is going to be a great transfer. I thoroughly enjoyed General Conference and I received some of the strongest spiritual confirmations of my life while watching. Right after the last session we went straight to a lesson and I was able to feel, for the first time, that the spirit was actually working through me. It was excellent. My testimony has grown a lot recently. I particularly liked the talk in Conference from Tad R. Callister, who was one of President Bullock's favorites, who said that the Book of Mormon is either of God or of the Devil, there is no in between, and of course it just can't be of the devil. That one was good.
Well life is good and the gospel is true. I hope everyone back home is doing great.
Elder Misbach
I'm writing you from the library in Warrington, England. I had very mixed feelings when I got called to this area because I knew nothing about it, which is normally not a great sign, but I love it here! It's very much like Colwyn Bay when it comes to missionary work. It's seen as a slower area. It's not as pretty, but it is quite nice. This area is huge! It's by far the most I have had to work with, and we are back on bikes!! Woo! I'm pretty jazzed. I'm not too excited about the money I will have to spend especially because of how much this drivers licence is costing, but it will be good. On that note, I failed my drivers test . I knew as soon as I failed as well. It was quite unpleasant. I changed lanes in a roundabout without signalling about 5 minutes in and that was it. I made a few other mistakes later on, but all I was thinking about was how irritating it was to still be taking the test despite the fact that I already knew I had failed. C'est la vie. Now I'm going to have to take it in Warrington. I'm mostly irritated because of how expensive it is now, but, again, c'est la vie. I'm serving with Elder M. Smith (as opposed to Elder W. Smith, who was my companion two companions ago) and things are going well already. It is going to be a great transfer. I thoroughly enjoyed General Conference and I received some of the strongest spiritual confirmations of my life while watching. Right after the last session we went straight to a lesson and I was able to feel, for the first time, that the spirit was actually working through me. It was excellent. My testimony has grown a lot recently. I particularly liked the talk in Conference from Tad R. Callister, who was one of President Bullock's favorites, who said that the Book of Mormon is either of God or of the Devil, there is no in between, and of course it just can't be of the devil. That one was good.
Well life is good and the gospel is true. I hope everyone back home is doing great.
Elder Misbach
Monday, September 26, 2011
September 26, 2011

Hello Family,
This past week was pretty good. It went by very quickly. I went on two
exchanges and we had our zone trainings. Our mission is SO member
orientated now. We now have ways that we measure how much we work with
members and that has become 50% of our focus. We dropped our standards
for personal finding as well, which was very interesting. The activity
of going to the Manchester City Stadium was excellent. I can't
remember a more fun P-Day. We not only went there, but we went to B&Q
[Home Depot (I hope I spelled that right)] and Costco as well. It was
so much fun. Costco looks the exact same way it does in America, so it
was a nice flashback. There are like 2 or 3 Costco's in our mission. I
bought a Man City t-shirt to remember the activity, so now I have a
Man United jersey and Man City t-shirt. Good stuff. Other than that,
there isn't much to report, it was just a good week. This week I have
my last driving lesson and then the following Monday I take my test.
Hopefully I will be a fully licensed driver by the time I write again.
I will really need help though. I wont be emailing again until either
next Wednesday or Thursday. I will probably be in a new area by then
(my fourth). I have the least amount of areas out of my group. All the
other missionaries in my group have at least four areas. I like
standing out :) Things are good overall. I'll send some pictures from
last Monday.
I hope that everything is going well with the fam. I'll talk to you soon.
Elder Misbach
PS: Just for clarification, I did not attend a football match. I just
went and had a tour of the stadium. Hope no one thought I was being
September 19, 2011
Hello Family,
This past week has been good. Nothing too intense to report though.
Tuesday was pretty good; I was able to record 17 different miracles
that happened that day. Great stuff. Unfortunately I can't think of
anything that interesting to report this past week. It was a pretty
straight-forward week. What I can tell you, is that within the past 3
minutes, as I was pondering what I can tell you about this past week,
two Indian girls walked into the library and you can smell their
perfume from a good 50 ft away. That is pretty ironic really, because
I find myself wishing often that more people would use products to
make them smell better and when I find people that actually do use
those products, they overdose. Today, the Wilsons are taking us to the
Manchester City (soccer team) stadium because they are huge fans
(City, NOT United, haha). I'm really looking forward to it. They were
also going to take us to this really fancy chocolate factory called
Slatteries (?), but they weren't able to get a table. They are going
to try and take us on the Wednesday I get transferred for breakfast.
They are great. This chocolate factory is very popular, apparently
Wayne Rooney had his wedding cake made there.
Well life is good and the gospel is true. I have been listening to
past General Conferences recently and I can not wait for the next one
in two weeks!! I hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you soon.
Love, Elder Misbach

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Setember 12, 2011

Hello Familia!
Well those pictures took ages! It's a good thing I have nothing better
to do this P-day. I'm thinking about buying cake mix and baking a cake
today, but I'm also trying to be a bit healthier, so I'm in conflict
right now. I hope the pictures turn out all right and they are a
satisfactory representation of my time in Rochdale. Turns out that if
I had just ignored the signs that said I can't use a USB from the
beginning, I could have been sending pictures this entire time. Oh
I might make my email(s) a bit short this week because of how long
that took, but life is still good. Nothing too interesting has
happened recently. We continue to preach the gospel and seek the
Lord's help. It was a rough week weather wise so we didn't achieve too
much, but it was still good. The flat is clean, the gospel is true,
and life is good!
I hope everyone is doing well back in the states. I wish I could have
been there for the 9/11 anniversary. We had a minute of silence in
church, but that was about it. Talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
Sept. 5, 2011
Hello Familia,

This last week was a pretty good one. The Church History Tour was
excellent. Albert Dock was by far the most interesting. We walked past
the Beatles museum and we were able to look in the Maritime Museum
which has life size replicas of what it would be like to emigrate to
America. That was very interesting. At the River Ribble, President
Preston thought it would be fun if the two zones that were there each
chose a missionary to race across the bridge "to be the first baptized
in the UK". Sadly, I was chosen for the Ashton zone. Before I give the
results I should explain the surrounding factors: 1) I had received
very little sleep due to the excitement of the tour 2) I decided it
would be fun to get there early and start the day off by having
breakfast at Greggs, so I ate three meat pastries and a caramel
doughnut before 9 am 3) I had just eaten some very poor/soggy chicken
sandwiches that I prepared the night before 4) I washed that down with
some chocolate mini-rolls and candy 5) I'm out of shape 6) I was under
the impression that I was still as fast as I was when I was younger 7)
I raced against the human version of Speedy Gonzales. Seriously
though, he is probably six inches shorter than me from El Salvador,
his name is Elder Diaz, and I have never seen someone move so quick in
my life 8) Lastly, I had the family curse working against me. I know
there isn't much actual evidence that Henry Clegg came second, but if
he did, I honored his name. Needless to say, I lost; pretty badly. I
have some pictures of it, that I will send soon hopefully. It was fun
Really isn't much else to say about last week. I received some very
upsetting news about the family I baptized in Colwyn Bay, but there
isn't much I can do about that. Testimonies are so fragile. That is
something that I have learned on my mission. A knowledge of the truth
and a love of the gospel can vanish in a moment if you aren't careful.
And it can be for some of the stupidest reasons. There is a good hymn
that President Preston pointed out that has to do with that, it's
number 336 "School thy Feelings." It is very good.
Overall life is good, the gospel is true, and things are going well.
Hope everything is going good back in the States.
Elder Misbach
PS: GO COUGARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
beginnings of the race (you can see how badly I was already

losing...it was sad)
end of the race (I had long given up at this point and was going for
the laughs, hence the exaggerated stride

Elder Sapaden and I at Albert Dock in Liverpool

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
August 30, 2011
Well Hello Familia,
The past few days have been good. This mission is definitely becoming
a member work mission. All of our new goals and objectives have to do
with working with members. It's an exciting time in the mission. I'm
looking forward to seeing how this last year of my mission will be
different from the first year.
Yesterday for P-day we decided that we would try this really small
shop, right next to our flat, that sells frozen foods instead of ASDA.
That was one of the best decisions of my mission. It was great food,
cheap, and it saved us about an hour of P-day time. I was able to make
sugar cookies, eat lunch, sew two pants, finish reading the last 50
pages "Our Heritage" (this computer wont allow me to underline), and
write seven letters yesterday. It was great!
Our baptism last Saturday went really well. Shalome was on time,
thankfully, and there was really nothing that went wrong. I wish that
a few more members would have come out and supported her; especially
because the mission president attended, but c'est la vie. Elder
Sapaden played some intense, spirit-filled, music for it. The next day
Shalome decided to show up right before sacrament for her confirmation
(we have it backwards, so we start with Priesthood, then Gospel
Principles, then Sacrament), so I was really stressing for the first
two hours. But it ended up going really well and now she is a member
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. WOO!!
I also, just barely, took another driving lesson. This one didn't go
as good as the first one. The first time, the instructor was praising
me for how well I picked it up. This time he described the first 10
minutes of the lesson as a "disaster" and said that he isn't confident
that I will be able to pass my test on the day that I want to, haha.
There really wasn't much of a difference between the two lessons, but
I bumped the curb once this time, towards the beginning of the lesson,
and I think that irritated him a bit. I'm going to need a lot of
practice and the Lord's help, but I should be a fully licenced driver
by October 3rd.
Overall, things are good. We have a church history tour on Thursday
that I'm jazzed about.
I hope that everyone back home is doing well and I'll speak to you soon!
Elder Misbach
The past few days have been good. This mission is definitely becoming
a member work mission. All of our new goals and objectives have to do
with working with members. It's an exciting time in the mission. I'm
looking forward to seeing how this last year of my mission will be
different from the first year.
Yesterday for P-day we decided that we would try this really small
shop, right next to our flat, that sells frozen foods instead of ASDA.
That was one of the best decisions of my mission. It was great food,
cheap, and it saved us about an hour of P-day time. I was able to make
sugar cookies, eat lunch, sew two pants, finish reading the last 50
pages "Our Heritage" (this computer wont allow me to underline), and
write seven letters yesterday. It was great!
Our baptism last Saturday went really well. Shalome was on time,
thankfully, and there was really nothing that went wrong. I wish that
a few more members would have come out and supported her; especially
because the mission president attended, but c'est la vie. Elder
Sapaden played some intense, spirit-filled, music for it. The next day
Shalome decided to show up right before sacrament for her confirmation
(we have it backwards, so we start with Priesthood, then Gospel
Principles, then Sacrament), so I was really stressing for the first
two hours. But it ended up going really well and now she is a member
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. WOO!!
I also, just barely, took another driving lesson. This one didn't go
as good as the first one. The first time, the instructor was praising
me for how well I picked it up. This time he described the first 10
minutes of the lesson as a "disaster" and said that he isn't confident
that I will be able to pass my test on the day that I want to, haha.
There really wasn't much of a difference between the two lessons, but
I bumped the curb once this time, towards the beginning of the lesson,
and I think that irritated him a bit. I'm going to need a lot of
practice and the Lord's help, but I should be a fully licenced driver
by October 3rd.
Overall, things are good. We have a church history tour on Thursday
that I'm jazzed about.
I hope that everyone back home is doing well and I'll speak to you soon!
Elder Misbach
August 24, 2011
Hello Familia,
I'm quite crunched for time today, sorry if my emails a bit lame. This
past week has been good. Elder Kersey leaves the mission today so I no
longer have my trainer in the mission. His last exchange with Elder
Sapaden went really well, and ever since Elder Sapaden has been on a
new high. I also took my first driving lesson in England yesterday
morning. That was fun/crazy. Driving manual for the first time was
something I will remember for a long time. English roads are SO small.
It is so interesting to see the differences between driving in England
and driving in the States. They say that once you learn how to drive
in England you can drive anywhere. We also have a baptism this
Saturday which is good stuff. Shalome is finally getting baptized. I
have been teaching her my entire time here in Rochdale. She has
changed quite a bit. She used to argue that lying was ok and something
that we needed to do, but now she is totally ready for baptism. I'm
staying in Rochdale for another six weeks. That means I will be here
for a total of six months. It is going to be a good transfer. Our Ward
Mission Leader is so proactive and is getting so much done, we are
definitely going to see miracles this transfer. Plus we have a church
history tour next week and General Conference is at the end of the
transfer. It's going to be good. Other than that there really isn't
much to report. The other day I think I met the crankiest old couple
in the whole of the UK. It's amazing how far out of the way people
will go to show their displeasure with the message we share. They
escorted us to their next door neighbor's house just so they could
show us that their neighbor didn't want to hear what we had to say. I
found the whole thing kind of comical and that didn't make them any
happier, haha. C'est la vie. Hopefully they will accept the message
some day.
Well life is good and the gospel is true. I hope everyone is doing
well back home.
Elder Misbach
I'm quite crunched for time today, sorry if my emails a bit lame. This
past week has been good. Elder Kersey leaves the mission today so I no
longer have my trainer in the mission. His last exchange with Elder
Sapaden went really well, and ever since Elder Sapaden has been on a
new high. I also took my first driving lesson in England yesterday
morning. That was fun/crazy. Driving manual for the first time was
something I will remember for a long time. English roads are SO small.
It is so interesting to see the differences between driving in England
and driving in the States. They say that once you learn how to drive
in England you can drive anywhere. We also have a baptism this
Saturday which is good stuff. Shalome is finally getting baptized. I
have been teaching her my entire time here in Rochdale. She has
changed quite a bit. She used to argue that lying was ok and something
that we needed to do, but now she is totally ready for baptism. I'm
staying in Rochdale for another six weeks. That means I will be here
for a total of six months. It is going to be a good transfer. Our Ward
Mission Leader is so proactive and is getting so much done, we are
definitely going to see miracles this transfer. Plus we have a church
history tour next week and General Conference is at the end of the
transfer. It's going to be good. Other than that there really isn't
much to report. The other day I think I met the crankiest old couple
in the whole of the UK. It's amazing how far out of the way people
will go to show their displeasure with the message we share. They
escorted us to their next door neighbor's house just so they could
show us that their neighbor didn't want to hear what we had to say. I
found the whole thing kind of comical and that didn't make them any
happier, haha. C'est la vie. Hopefully they will accept the message
some day.
Well life is good and the gospel is true. I hope everyone is doing
well back home.
Elder Misbach
Monday, August 15, 2011
Hello Familia,
Things are quite nice here in Rochdale. We will be having another
baptism in two weeks, which is great. Her name is Shalome and the
change that she has gone through since I first started teaching her is
amazing. At first I used to wonder why she even listened to us because
she just really didn't seem to care about becoming a better person.
But now she is doing so well, really has that eternal perspective
coming along. Elder Sapaden and I continue to work hard. We are just
so different, haha. We get along just fine, but it's pretty much just
one "no-response" joke after another. He will say a joke that I just
wont get and then I will say a joke that he doesn't get. It's rough,
ha. We both get a good laugh out of some of the experiences we have
though. The weather was ridiculous this week. It just incessantly
rained, but it was good. I feel good about the way that i am serving
right now. I lost my third umbrella this week and my second in three
weeks. That was annoying. My sewing continues to improve. I have
resurrected many items of clothing, which brings me great joy. This is
the fifth week of the transfer, so I wont be emailing until either
Wednesday or Thursday next week. It will probably be Wednesday because
I think I have one more transfer in Rochdale, but you never know. We
have an exchange with the assistants tomorrow. This is Elder Kersey's
last week as a missionary and I think this will be his last exchange.
How great! A family exchange! He will be going with Elder Sapaden (his
Well life is good, the gospel is true, and I am hungry.
I hope all of you have a good week
Elder Misbach
Oh and i also passed my driver's theory exam for my license. Now I
just need to practice for and take the practical test, which I will
probably do next transfer. Woo!
Things are quite nice here in Rochdale. We will be having another
baptism in two weeks, which is great. Her name is Shalome and the
change that she has gone through since I first started teaching her is
amazing. At first I used to wonder why she even listened to us because
she just really didn't seem to care about becoming a better person.
But now she is doing so well, really has that eternal perspective
coming along. Elder Sapaden and I continue to work hard. We are just
so different, haha. We get along just fine, but it's pretty much just
one "no-response" joke after another. He will say a joke that I just
wont get and then I will say a joke that he doesn't get. It's rough,
ha. We both get a good laugh out of some of the experiences we have
though. The weather was ridiculous this week. It just incessantly
rained, but it was good. I feel good about the way that i am serving
right now. I lost my third umbrella this week and my second in three
weeks. That was annoying. My sewing continues to improve. I have
resurrected many items of clothing, which brings me great joy. This is
the fifth week of the transfer, so I wont be emailing until either
Wednesday or Thursday next week. It will probably be Wednesday because
I think I have one more transfer in Rochdale, but you never know. We
have an exchange with the assistants tomorrow. This is Elder Kersey's
last week as a missionary and I think this will be his last exchange.
How great! A family exchange! He will be going with Elder Sapaden (his
Well life is good, the gospel is true, and I am hungry.
I hope all of you have a good week
Elder Misbach
Oh and i also passed my driver's theory exam for my license. Now I
just need to practice for and take the practical test, which I will
probably do next transfer. Woo!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
August 8, 2011
Hello Family,
I hope that everyone enjoyed the beach. It sounds like it was a very
good week this year. My week was quite good. It started off rough, but
got better at the end. The zone activity last week of having a BBQ and
learning how to play cricket was way fun. The park I picked for it was
perfect and beautiful. Cricket is a pretty fun game. Baseball is
better and makes more sense, but cricket isn't that bad. I had an
exchange with the other brand new missionary in the district Elder
Leimgrub. It was a good exchange and he told me loads of stuff about
Germany that I had no idea about (he is German). President Preston
also came to my district meeting. I really didn't feel good about the
district meeting, I felt like it was one of my worst. But apparently
it went pretty well. President actually singled me out and told all
the zone leaders one of the things that he liked that I did, and asked
if all the other district leaders were doing it. That made me feel
pretty good. I now have my driving theory test scheduled and I'll be
taking that on Friday. Then I need to have lessons and I can take my
practical test. It's a pretty big hassle, but it should be fun. We
should have a baptism in the next couple of weeks which is excellent.
Overall, life is pretty good. The gospel is true, and sharing it is
Hope everyone is well back home and I'll talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach

August 1, 2011
Hello Familia,
This week was much better than last week. We had two exchanges that
were quite fun. Elder Sapaden is doing great and really getting into
the mission. He keeps having "journal moments" haha. Life is pretty
good. I gave myself a haircut last night, but I just did it all the
same length because I couldn't be bothered to do layers again. I'm
quite pleased with it. I also made the most labor intensive meal of my
mission this week. It was pasta with cut up pieces of grilled chicken
in it. Wasn't even slightly worth it. The only thing that was good was
the chicken and it was particularly difficult to enjoy because I kept
having to sift through the pasta to find it. I'm going to stick with
the microwave. I'm booking my driving theory test today and I should
hopefully have my first practical driving test sometime in the next
two weeks. Exciting stuff. We have a zone activity today of going to a
park, having a BBQ, and learning how to play cricket. It seemed like a
really good idea until I woke up today. It's pretty nasty weather
outside and I'm curious as to how it's going to work out, but I'm sure
it will end up ok. Our flat is still squeaky clean, fantastic, and
spirit-filled. I also had my first personal interview with President
Preston this last week, he was very thorough with the interviews which
took place at our chapel and I was the last one to be interviewed,
then we had coordination afterwards. So I was at the Rochdale chapel
from 9am to 8pm. I enjoyed it though. He is very different from
President Bullock, but he is great. He is all about the love. I look
forward to serving with him. He is coming to my district meeting this
week and working with us afterward. I'm pretty stoked about that. Oh!
and I conducted my first baptismal interview this last week. It went
really well except that after she already passed the interview she
bailed on the baptism last minute. But I have another one this week
and this one should go all the way through. Missions are great.
Well I hope everyone is enjoying the beach! Talk to you soon
Elder Misbach
This week was much better than last week. We had two exchanges that
were quite fun. Elder Sapaden is doing great and really getting into
the mission. He keeps having "journal moments" haha. Life is pretty
good. I gave myself a haircut last night, but I just did it all the
same length because I couldn't be bothered to do layers again. I'm
quite pleased with it. I also made the most labor intensive meal of my
mission this week. It was pasta with cut up pieces of grilled chicken
in it. Wasn't even slightly worth it. The only thing that was good was
the chicken and it was particularly difficult to enjoy because I kept
having to sift through the pasta to find it. I'm going to stick with
the microwave. I'm booking my driving theory test today and I should
hopefully have my first practical driving test sometime in the next
two weeks. Exciting stuff. We have a zone activity today of going to a
park, having a BBQ, and learning how to play cricket. It seemed like a
really good idea until I woke up today. It's pretty nasty weather
outside and I'm curious as to how it's going to work out, but I'm sure
it will end up ok. Our flat is still squeaky clean, fantastic, and
spirit-filled. I also had my first personal interview with President
Preston this last week, he was very thorough with the interviews which
took place at our chapel and I was the last one to be interviewed,
then we had coordination afterwards. So I was at the Rochdale chapel
from 9am to 8pm. I enjoyed it though. He is very different from
President Bullock, but he is great. He is all about the love. I look
forward to serving with him. He is coming to my district meeting this
week and working with us afterward. I'm pretty stoked about that. Oh!
and I conducted my first baptismal interview this last week. It went
really well except that after she already passed the interview she
bailed on the baptism last minute. But I have another one this week
and this one should go all the way through. Missions are great.
Well I hope everyone is enjoying the beach! Talk to you soon
Elder Misbach
July 25, 2011
Hello Family,
Things are well in England. I'll admit that this was one of the harder
weeks on my mission. I mean that spiritually, but the fact that the
food I had bought for my staple meal this week was rubbish, didn't
help the situation. I seem to have taken a step backwards in my
progression as a missionary and that hasn't sat well with me. I'm
speaking to the mission president about it tomorrow though, and we
will get it sorted.
As far as the area goes, it was a pretty good week last week. We have
been attacking this council estate call Falinge. It's probably the
dodgiest part of our area, but it is producing. It was one of the best
finding weeks I have had on my mission. The ward is doing well and we
have had loads of tea appointments lately. Good food as well. We also
were able to do some service this week in a retirement home that a
member owns. It's the first time on my mission, and really in my life,
that I have legitimately painted. We had to be super careful though.
Looking back on it, it reminds me very much of the episode of
Spongebob where Patrick and Spongebob have to paint Krabs' home with
permenant paint and then they get it on Krabs' first dollar. Quality
Episode. The painting turned out quite good. Oh! I also sewed for the
first time in my life! It was a marvelous experience and I have been
sewing things left and right ever since. My suit jacket is
fully-fitted with both buttons, and the crotch area of all of my pants
are hole-free. It's quite refreshing.
Well life is good, as always. I hope that everyone enjoys California.
Talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
Things are well in England. I'll admit that this was one of the harder
weeks on my mission. I mean that spiritually, but the fact that the
food I had bought for my staple meal this week was rubbish, didn't
help the situation. I seem to have taken a step backwards in my
progression as a missionary and that hasn't sat well with me. I'm
speaking to the mission president about it tomorrow though, and we
will get it sorted.
As far as the area goes, it was a pretty good week last week. We have
been attacking this council estate call Falinge. It's probably the
dodgiest part of our area, but it is producing. It was one of the best
finding weeks I have had on my mission. The ward is doing well and we
have had loads of tea appointments lately. Good food as well. We also
were able to do some service this week in a retirement home that a
member owns. It's the first time on my mission, and really in my life,
that I have legitimately painted. We had to be super careful though.
Looking back on it, it reminds me very much of the episode of
Spongebob where Patrick and Spongebob have to paint Krabs' home with
permenant paint and then they get it on Krabs' first dollar. Quality
Episode. The painting turned out quite good. Oh! I also sewed for the
first time in my life! It was a marvelous experience and I have been
sewing things left and right ever since. My suit jacket is
fully-fitted with both buttons, and the crotch area of all of my pants
are hole-free. It's quite refreshing.
Well life is good, as always. I hope that everyone enjoys California.
Talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
Saturday, July 23, 2011
July 18, 2011
Hello Familia,
These past few days have been rather intense. Elder Sapaden and I are
very different individuals, haha. The good thing though is that I can
relate to a lot of the emotions he is going through right now at the
beginning of the mission. I feel bad for him sometimes because out of
all the trainers available he got yours truly, but I am glad that I am
able to relate to him and help him. It is also a good thing that he
got me because, although a body builder, his body is not well
acquainted with cardio. One of my weaknesses throughout my mission is
that I have one of the slowest walking paces in the mission, but I
have apparently brought Elder Sapaden to his limit. I can only imagine
the pain he would be in if he had received any of the other trainers.
Life is pretty good right now. Our flat is absolutely marvelous. It's
super clean, which I absolutely love. Right before Elder Smith left we
also rearranged the flat and now it is a lot more open and inviting. I
love walking into that place. Currently the work here is stagnant. We
have loads of people that want to be baptized, but that have to get
married first. We have four different couples in that situation right
now. So we continue to search.
There are two interesting things that will happen this transfer. One,
is that President Preston will actually attend one of my district
meetings and then he will work with us afterward. That should be way
fun. The other one, is that I will have another assistant exchange,
which means my father (elder Kersey) will either work with his son
(me) or his grandson (elder Sapaden) before he leaves mid-August. That
should be good. I also might learn how to play cricket this transfer,
So we are pressing forward. I hope that everyone back home is doing
well and that the summer is going great. Have fun at the beach and I
will speak to you all soon.
Elder Misbach
These past few days have been rather intense. Elder Sapaden and I are
very different individuals, haha. The good thing though is that I can
relate to a lot of the emotions he is going through right now at the
beginning of the mission. I feel bad for him sometimes because out of
all the trainers available he got yours truly, but I am glad that I am
able to relate to him and help him. It is also a good thing that he
got me because, although a body builder, his body is not well
acquainted with cardio. One of my weaknesses throughout my mission is
that I have one of the slowest walking paces in the mission, but I
have apparently brought Elder Sapaden to his limit. I can only imagine
the pain he would be in if he had received any of the other trainers.
Life is pretty good right now. Our flat is absolutely marvelous. It's
super clean, which I absolutely love. Right before Elder Smith left we
also rearranged the flat and now it is a lot more open and inviting. I
love walking into that place. Currently the work here is stagnant. We
have loads of people that want to be baptized, but that have to get
married first. We have four different couples in that situation right
now. So we continue to search.
There are two interesting things that will happen this transfer. One,
is that President Preston will actually attend one of my district
meetings and then he will work with us afterward. That should be way
fun. The other one, is that I will have another assistant exchange,
which means my father (elder Kersey) will either work with his son
(me) or his grandson (elder Sapaden) before he leaves mid-August. That
should be good. I also might learn how to play cricket this transfer,
So we are pressing forward. I hope that everyone back home is doing
well and that the summer is going great. Have fun at the beach and I
will speak to you all soon.
Elder Misbach
July 14, 2011
Hello Family!
The reason why I have practically no time today is because I am a
TRAINER!!! Woo! (Or in mission terms, I'm a "father"). Things are very
very stressful right now. I'm serving with Elder Sapaden from London.
He has grown up in London his whole life, but both of his parents are
Filipino and so he doesn't look like he is from England at all. He
also has a very weird accent which is very similar to American. He is
very good at piano. He has recorded a few albums and has been playing
the piano in his ward since he was 12. He also really likes to lift
weights and actually brought a weight set with him on his mission,
haha. He is very upbeat, and things are going well.
When I became a district leader I was very stressed. I thought that
would be the most stressed I would be on my mission. I was wrong. This
is intense. Everything I do will affect Elder Sapaden for the rest of
his mission, and possibly his life. This is hefty stuff. I'm loving it
right now though. I know it will be tough for a while, but training is
supposed to be the best experience you have on your mission, so I'm
I hope that they were able to send the picture of him and I yesterday
at Transfers. We are a good match. It will be a transfer of miracles.
Well I love you all and I hope that everyone is doing well. I will be
able to send better emails on Monday. I'm about to go train on how to
Weekly Plan. good stuff.
Talk to you Monday!
Elder Misbach
The reason why I have practically no time today is because I am a
TRAINER!!! Woo! (Or in mission terms, I'm a "father"). Things are very
very stressful right now. I'm serving with Elder Sapaden from London.
He has grown up in London his whole life, but both of his parents are
Filipino and so he doesn't look like he is from England at all. He
also has a very weird accent which is very similar to American. He is
very good at piano. He has recorded a few albums and has been playing
the piano in his ward since he was 12. He also really likes to lift
weights and actually brought a weight set with him on his mission,
haha. He is very upbeat, and things are going well.
When I became a district leader I was very stressed. I thought that
would be the most stressed I would be on my mission. I was wrong. This
is intense. Everything I do will affect Elder Sapaden for the rest of
his mission, and possibly his life. This is hefty stuff. I'm loving it
right now though. I know it will be tough for a while, but training is
supposed to be the best experience you have on your mission, so I'm
I hope that they were able to send the picture of him and I yesterday
at Transfers. We are a good match. It will be a transfer of miracles.
Well I love you all and I hope that everyone is doing well. I will be
able to send better emails on Monday. I'm about to go train on how to
Weekly Plan. good stuff.
Talk to you Monday!
Elder Misbach
Monday, July 4, 2011
Hello Family,
Things this past week have been great. Elder Smith and I are still
working hard and loving the work. We had a new investigator come to
church for the first time and he loved it. His name is Alan Mcgowan.
Good Stuff.
We officially have a new Mission President. We haven't had anything
change yet. We get to meet him as a mission tomorrow and Wednesday.
There was a mission home fireside yesterday though and the Middleton
elders went to it. They told me that President Preston is a VERY
different mission president, but in a good way. I'm pretty excited.
Other than that I've just been talking to the same old crazy, but
great people. Nothing too overly spectacular to report this week. I
love the 4th of July. God bless America!! Elder Smith and I will be
getting some McDonald's shakes to celebrate and watching church movies
at the chapel. This will probably be our last P-day together. Sad
stuff. One, kind of, interesting thing that we did was clean the oven
last night. We noticed last transfer that our oven was just absolutely
horrible, and that what we thought couldn't come off, really could
come off with enough effort. So we bought some heavy duty oven cleaner
about 5 weeks ago and were able to use it for the fist time last
night. It was intense. The directions make it seem like any
unauthorized contact with this stuff is an instant death. It was quite
powerful and an interesting experience to say the least. it got the
job done though. I love clean things.
Well, the gospel is true and life is good. I hope that everyone back
home is doing great and making good decisions. Talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
Things this past week have been great. Elder Smith and I are still
working hard and loving the work. We had a new investigator come to
church for the first time and he loved it. His name is Alan Mcgowan.
Good Stuff.
We officially have a new Mission President. We haven't had anything
change yet. We get to meet him as a mission tomorrow and Wednesday.
There was a mission home fireside yesterday though and the Middleton
elders went to it. They told me that President Preston is a VERY
different mission president, but in a good way. I'm pretty excited.
Other than that I've just been talking to the same old crazy, but
great people. Nothing too overly spectacular to report this week. I
love the 4th of July. God bless America!! Elder Smith and I will be
getting some McDonald's shakes to celebrate and watching church movies
at the chapel. This will probably be our last P-day together. Sad
stuff. One, kind of, interesting thing that we did was clean the oven
last night. We noticed last transfer that our oven was just absolutely
horrible, and that what we thought couldn't come off, really could
come off with enough effort. So we bought some heavy duty oven cleaner
about 5 weeks ago and were able to use it for the fist time last
night. It was intense. The directions make it seem like any
unauthorized contact with this stuff is an instant death. It was quite
powerful and an interesting experience to say the least. it got the
job done though. I love clean things.
Well, the gospel is true and life is good. I hope that everyone back
home is doing great and making good decisions. Talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Hello Family,
This has been a good week. We had our last zone conference with
President and Sister Bullock. There were quite a few teary eyes. We
sang "God be with you 'till we meet again" for the final hymn which
created most of the tears, and then as they were walking out we struck
up "Called to Serve" and even I got choked up at that point. It was
very spirit-filled and powerful. I actually just wrote my final letter
to President Bullock. So now it's time to look forward to President
Preston, and I'm pretty excited. He has some huge shoes to fill, but I
hear only good things and he seems like a very good, faithful person.
My final year should be good.
Other than that, the most interesting thing this past week was the
weather. We went from mist all day for a good 4 or so days, to bright
and sunny. Unfortunately, it's now officially summer and it's very
uncomfortable. You start to sweat within minutes. I don't really know
what to hope for now, rain, or hot and humid. I can't decide which is
the lesser of two evils.
There was one other good experience I had this last week that I can
share. I was on exchange in Middleton with Elder Whited and we taught
one of their investigators named Attima. She is from France, but lived
in India for 7 years and adopted a lot of Hindu Beliefs. She is
probably the most upbeat person I have ever met. All she talks about
is making people happy and sharing the love. She was amazingly
pleasant, but wasn't really listening to us. We weren't going anywhere
with her until Elder Whited asked what it would mean to her if she
knew that she could be with her family forever. Turns out she believed
in Reincarnation and so she didn't understand what we meant at first,
but when she did, she fist pumped the air, stoop up, and said "Ya!"
She was so jazzed she couldn't contain it. She just loaded us with
butterscotch sweets and said, "You made me happy, so now I need to
make you happy!" It was quite an enjoyable experience. The gospel is
So life is good and things are going well. I hope that everyone back
home is happy and healthy.
Elder Misbach

This has been a good week. We had our last zone conference with
President and Sister Bullock. There were quite a few teary eyes. We
sang "God be with you 'till we meet again" for the final hymn which
created most of the tears, and then as they were walking out we struck
up "Called to Serve" and even I got choked up at that point. It was
very spirit-filled and powerful. I actually just wrote my final letter
to President Bullock. So now it's time to look forward to President
Preston, and I'm pretty excited. He has some huge shoes to fill, but I
hear only good things and he seems like a very good, faithful person.
My final year should be good.
Other than that, the most interesting thing this past week was the
weather. We went from mist all day for a good 4 or so days, to bright
and sunny. Unfortunately, it's now officially summer and it's very
uncomfortable. You start to sweat within minutes. I don't really know
what to hope for now, rain, or hot and humid. I can't decide which is
the lesser of two evils.
There was one other good experience I had this last week that I can
share. I was on exchange in Middleton with Elder Whited and we taught
one of their investigators named Attima. She is from France, but lived
in India for 7 years and adopted a lot of Hindu Beliefs. She is
probably the most upbeat person I have ever met. All she talks about
is making people happy and sharing the love. She was amazingly
pleasant, but wasn't really listening to us. We weren't going anywhere
with her until Elder Whited asked what it would mean to her if she
knew that she could be with her family forever. Turns out she believed
in Reincarnation and so she didn't understand what we meant at first,
but when she did, she fist pumped the air, stoop up, and said "Ya!"
She was so jazzed she couldn't contain it. She just loaded us with
butterscotch sweets and said, "You made me happy, so now I need to
make you happy!" It was quite an enjoyable experience. The gospel is
So life is good and things are going well. I hope that everyone back
home is happy and healthy.
Elder Misbach
Monday, June 20, 2011
Hello Family,
This last week was our last interviews and trainings with President
Bullock. It was excellent. In the afternoon we were allowed to ask
President and Sister Bullock any question we had about their lives.
They shared how they met, and other things about their lives. They
also shared the secrets to happiness and President shared the secrets
to success in your career. All of it was excellent. President Bullock
has been the CEO of a couple of companies and when we asked about what
he was going to do after his mission he said, "I don't know yet, but I
have to do something. I don't know if I'll go back to what I was doing
or start a business for fun or something, but I have to do something."
haha. His career advice was good stuff. We also now have another dated
investigator named Carol. She needs to give up smoking in the next 10
days, but I think she can do it. Other than that it was a good week.
This week will be our final Zone Conference with President and Sister
Bullock. I'm looking forward to that. Elder Smith and I are also going
to walk through this free museum for a few minutes on our way to ASDA.
That should be good. We celebrated my year mark on Saturday by getting
Greggs for lunch. It sells meat pastries. It was proper disgusting.
But I deserve it, I shouldn't be so absorbed with how much time I have
left. Life is good overall! I'm going to try and buy healthier again
this week. We will see how it goes.
I hope everything is going well with the family. Choose the Right!
Elder Misbach
This last week was our last interviews and trainings with President
Bullock. It was excellent. In the afternoon we were allowed to ask
President and Sister Bullock any question we had about their lives.
They shared how they met, and other things about their lives. They
also shared the secrets to happiness and President shared the secrets
to success in your career. All of it was excellent. President Bullock
has been the CEO of a couple of companies and when we asked about what
he was going to do after his mission he said, "I don't know yet, but I
have to do something. I don't know if I'll go back to what I was doing
or start a business for fun or something, but I have to do something."
haha. His career advice was good stuff. We also now have another dated
investigator named Carol. She needs to give up smoking in the next 10
days, but I think she can do it. Other than that it was a good week.
This week will be our final Zone Conference with President and Sister
Bullock. I'm looking forward to that. Elder Smith and I are also going
to walk through this free museum for a few minutes on our way to ASDA.
That should be good. We celebrated my year mark on Saturday by getting
Greggs for lunch. It sells meat pastries. It was proper disgusting.
But I deserve it, I shouldn't be so absorbed with how much time I have
left. Life is good overall! I'm going to try and buy healthier again
this week. We will see how it goes.
I hope everything is going well with the family. Choose the Right!
Elder Misbach
Monday, June 13, 2011
Hello Family,
This past week has been a very good one. We have been able to see a
lot of miracles recently. There really is no such thing as a
"coincidence." I'd say the most interesting thing that happened this
past week was the 400th anniversary of the printing of the King James
Bible. There was a choir concert held at the Preston temple that we
were able to attend. There were about 2500 people that went, the choir
was great, the weather was fantastic, and the spirit was strong. I was
able to see a family from my first ward, and the family that we
baptised in the Colwyn Bay branch. Dawn is now the second counselor in
the Relief Society, Joan is the secretary, and Adam is the first
counselor in the young men's and is preparing for a mission. It was
great! I unfortunately forgot my camera, so I will be selfishly
hogging those memories to myself, but trust me when I say that it was
We will be having our last personal interviews with President Bullock
tomorrow, so that's big. I'm definitely looking forward to that. I
also found an old mission roster in our flat and I now know the exact
date that I will "die" in the mission. I will end my mission on June
20th 2012. Crazy! I'll actually be able to serve a full 2 years, which
is rare because of visa issues. It's rained practically every day this
past week, but my umbrella is holding up.
Yep, pretty much life is good and the mission is going well; like
always. I hope that everything is going well for the family!
Elder Misbach
This past week has been a very good one. We have been able to see a
lot of miracles recently. There really is no such thing as a
"coincidence." I'd say the most interesting thing that happened this
past week was the 400th anniversary of the printing of the King James
Bible. There was a choir concert held at the Preston temple that we
were able to attend. There were about 2500 people that went, the choir
was great, the weather was fantastic, and the spirit was strong. I was
able to see a family from my first ward, and the family that we
baptised in the Colwyn Bay branch. Dawn is now the second counselor in
the Relief Society, Joan is the secretary, and Adam is the first
counselor in the young men's and is preparing for a mission. It was
great! I unfortunately forgot my camera, so I will be selfishly
hogging those memories to myself, but trust me when I say that it was
We will be having our last personal interviews with President Bullock
tomorrow, so that's big. I'm definitely looking forward to that. I
also found an old mission roster in our flat and I now know the exact
date that I will "die" in the mission. I will end my mission on June
20th 2012. Crazy! I'll actually be able to serve a full 2 years, which
is rare because of visa issues. It's rained practically every day this
past week, but my umbrella is holding up.
Yep, pretty much life is good and the mission is going well; like
always. I hope that everything is going well for the family!
Elder Misbach
Monday, June 6, 2011
Hello Family,
This past half a week was pretty good. We saw some pretty good success
and found a lot of new people. The weather has been really good. It's
to the point where it is uncomfortably warm. It's also unfortunate
because now we go out in only a white shirt which drastically reduces
the amount of pockets at my disposal; it's very uncomfortable to have
a phone, bus pass, planner, and two wallets in your pants pockets.
Not much more to report really. Here are a couple of random tid-bits of
information: Our zone focus this transfer is having the members mesh
better with our investigators and with ourselves. We didn't come up
with a proper name for it but I liked "Binding the Ward to the work of
the Lord." I thought that was pretty catchy. I am now buying proper chicken breast and preparing it on the grill! I have never been more satisfied with the meals that I am preparing. Chicken is so delicious.
Oh, and I'm also going to send off my application for my provisional
license today, so I'm one step closer to obtaining my proper UK
drivers license.
Yep, the missionary work continues to move forward and the church is
ever so true. I hope that everything is going well for everyone back
Elder Misbach
This past half a week was pretty good. We saw some pretty good success
and found a lot of new people. The weather has been really good. It's
to the point where it is uncomfortably warm. It's also unfortunate
because now we go out in only a white shirt which drastically reduces
the amount of pockets at my disposal; it's very uncomfortable to have
a phone, bus pass, planner, and two wallets in your pants pockets.
Not much more to report really. Here are a couple of random tid-bits of
information: Our zone focus this transfer is having the members mesh
better with our investigators and with ourselves. We didn't come up
with a proper name for it but I liked "Binding the Ward to the work of
the Lord." I thought that was pretty catchy. I am now buying proper chicken breast and preparing it on the grill! I have never been more satisfied with the meals that I am preparing. Chicken is so delicious.
Oh, and I'm also going to send off my application for my provisional
license today, so I'm one step closer to obtaining my proper UK
drivers license.
Yep, the missionary work continues to move forward and the church is
ever so true. I hope that everything is going well for everyone back
Elder Misbach
Friday, June 3, 2011
May 16, 2011
Hello Family,
Well this week was a little less interesting than last week, but we
did have a successful double baptism. It was very stressful but ended
up going well. Leslizia got dizzy during the actual baptism and
actually tripped out of the font when she was getting out. That was
It's been raining every day this week and it's rough. One day we got
so wet that the phone stopped working and we needed to call a member
for a lift to a tea appointment. That was very stressful. We ended up
having to barrow someones phone in a shop.
At the end of this week I will be going on exchange with my Father
(Trainer)! Elder Kersey and Elder Gallacher will be coming for an
exchange on Saturday and I am downright Jazzed! It's going to be some
good times.
Other than that there really isn't much to say. I hope that everyone
is doing well and that everyone is happy. Thank you for the emails!
Elder Misbach
Well this week was a little less interesting than last week, but we
did have a successful double baptism. It was very stressful but ended
up going well. Leslizia got dizzy during the actual baptism and
actually tripped out of the font when she was getting out. That was
It's been raining every day this week and it's rough. One day we got
so wet that the phone stopped working and we needed to call a member
for a lift to a tea appointment. That was very stressful. We ended up
having to barrow someones phone in a shop.
At the end of this week I will be going on exchange with my Father
(Trainer)! Elder Kersey and Elder Gallacher will be coming for an
exchange on Saturday and I am downright Jazzed! It's going to be some
good times.
Other than that there really isn't much to say. I hope that everyone
is doing well and that everyone is happy. Thank you for the emails!
Elder Misbach
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Hello Family,
Things are going well in Rochdale. We just had two of our "eternal
investigators" accept a baptismal date and we are looking forward to
that. The weather is getting a bit better, it's not longer raining
EVERY day. It's getting warmer as well, which is nice.
Transfers were pretty good. Elder Smith and I are staying together for
another transfer, which we are both happy about. I have two new
missionaries in my district. One of them, Elder Raybould, is actually
from my group, so that should be fun. This upcoming transfer is going
to be very crazy because of the new Mission President coming in. I'm
certainly excited.
One interesting story that I can tell is when we were tracting two
Sundays ago. We knocked on a door and this very large, slightly drunk,
man answered the door. He was white with a shaved head, overweight,
wearing a tank top that had multiple disturbing stains. He came to the
door and acted like he couldn't speak English. I wasn't in the best of
moods that day, so I called him out on it and he started to speak in
English to us. Unfortunately it was then that I glanced at his
mutant-like skin deformation all over his arms and hands. He noticed
this and probably wasn't too happy. I tried to end the conversation
and get out, but before I was able to he put out his hand to shake it.
I didn't feel it would be smart to not shake this very large, slightly
drunk, and now slightly irritated man's hand, so I went in very
gingerly. I think he noticed this as well, so he took my hand squeezed
it and then kissed it. Elder Smith went in with power on his shake so
he avoided the kiss. Needless to say I nearly threw up and we
immediately stopped working to go wash our hands THOROUGHLY. It was
probably the most disgusting experience of my life. All is well now
though. =)
Those experiences are great stories, but my favorite ones are the ones
that make me realize just how real God is and how much he loves us and
how true the church is. I have had many of those, which is one of the
biggest reasons I LOVE my mission.
I hope everything is well with the family and I love you all
Elder Misbach
Things are going well in Rochdale. We just had two of our "eternal
investigators" accept a baptismal date and we are looking forward to
that. The weather is getting a bit better, it's not longer raining
EVERY day. It's getting warmer as well, which is nice.
Transfers were pretty good. Elder Smith and I are staying together for
another transfer, which we are both happy about. I have two new
missionaries in my district. One of them, Elder Raybould, is actually
from my group, so that should be fun. This upcoming transfer is going
to be very crazy because of the new Mission President coming in. I'm
certainly excited.
One interesting story that I can tell is when we were tracting two
Sundays ago. We knocked on a door and this very large, slightly drunk,
man answered the door. He was white with a shaved head, overweight,
wearing a tank top that had multiple disturbing stains. He came to the
door and acted like he couldn't speak English. I wasn't in the best of
moods that day, so I called him out on it and he started to speak in
English to us. Unfortunately it was then that I glanced at his
mutant-like skin deformation all over his arms and hands. He noticed
this and probably wasn't too happy. I tried to end the conversation
and get out, but before I was able to he put out his hand to shake it.
I didn't feel it would be smart to not shake this very large, slightly
drunk, and now slightly irritated man's hand, so I went in very
gingerly. I think he noticed this as well, so he took my hand squeezed
it and then kissed it. Elder Smith went in with power on his shake so
he avoided the kiss. Needless to say I nearly threw up and we
immediately stopped working to go wash our hands THOROUGHLY. It was
probably the most disgusting experience of my life. All is well now
though. =)
Those experiences are great stories, but my favorite ones are the ones
that make me realize just how real God is and how much he loves us and
how true the church is. I have had many of those, which is one of the
biggest reasons I LOVE my mission.
I hope everything is well with the family and I love you all
Elder Misbach
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Hello Family,
It was good to hear from you all and I'm glad things are going well. I
don't have much to update this week, but it was a good week.
Last week, right after I emailed, we were heading out of our flat
after lunch and we got stuck in the elevator. It was Elder Jackson,
Elder Sanders, Elder Ballantyne, and I. That was a very interesting
experience. We were stuck in there for 45 minutes. It really isn't as
bad as it seems. I actually somewhat enjoyed the whole experience.
We have two baptisms this weekend. One is a young African girl named
Leslizia and the other is Allan who is a white man in his 60's. We are
getting some good diversity with this one. They are both great and
Allan requested that I baptize him, so that is great. My second
baptism. It should be a good service.
After two solid weeks of amazing weather we have had rain every day
for the past 4 or 5 days. A couple of those have been thunderstorms
though and I really enjoy those.
Elder Packer visited the mission this past few days and that was
amazing. The church is so true. He gave us some amazing spiritual
insights. I loved it.
Life is good overall. Missions are great!
I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to speaking to you soon.
Elder Misbach
PS: For some odd reason the computers here don't take USB devices, so
I really don't know if or when I will be able to send pictures. Sorry
about that. It's ok though because Rochdale is by far the ugliest area
I have served in. I love it!
It was good to hear from you all and I'm glad things are going well. I
don't have much to update this week, but it was a good week.
Last week, right after I emailed, we were heading out of our flat
after lunch and we got stuck in the elevator. It was Elder Jackson,
Elder Sanders, Elder Ballantyne, and I. That was a very interesting
experience. We were stuck in there for 45 minutes. It really isn't as
bad as it seems. I actually somewhat enjoyed the whole experience.
We have two baptisms this weekend. One is a young African girl named
Leslizia and the other is Allan who is a white man in his 60's. We are
getting some good diversity with this one. They are both great and
Allan requested that I baptize him, so that is great. My second
baptism. It should be a good service.
After two solid weeks of amazing weather we have had rain every day
for the past 4 or 5 days. A couple of those have been thunderstorms
though and I really enjoy those.
Elder Packer visited the mission this past few days and that was
amazing. The church is so true. He gave us some amazing spiritual
insights. I loved it.
Life is good overall. Missions are great!
I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to speaking to you soon.
Elder Misbach
PS: For some odd reason the computers here don't take USB devices, so
I really don't know if or when I will be able to send pictures. Sorry
about that. It's ok though because Rochdale is by far the ugliest area
I have served in. I love it!
May 3, 2011
Hello Family!
Unfortunately I'm sitting at a computer that does not allow me to send
pictures and i just spent a considerable amount of time sharing family
pictures with Elder Jackson from California whom I am on exchange
with, so I don't have much time left. But life is good in the UK.
We got a call yesterday from our zone leaders telling us about how USA
killed Osama. We were advised to avoid all Muslim areas and if we ever feel in
danger to go inside and call President. It has thrown just a little bit of
added excitement into the missionary work, especially because there are
quite a few Muslims in the area. But there really isn't an issues and
most Muslims resent Osama anyway, so all is well and the work
We had another baptism this last week and her name was Ethel Happiness
Simpson. Ever since the baptism my companion has been talking about
how he will name his daughter Eden Precious Happiness Smith, haha. It
was a great baptism and Ethel actually came straight from the hospital
to make her baptism. She was helping someone near a street when a car
came and actually ran over her foot. Because of social health care (I'm
NOT a fan) she was waiting for three hours to be seen, when she
realized that she wasn't going to be able to make it to the baptism in
time. So she decided to come to the baptism, get baptised, and then
head back to the hospital afterwards. Amazing stuff. That is devotion.
I loved it.
The weather over here has been fantastic for quite some time now. In
the almost two weeks I have been in Rochdale it has drizzled once; and
that was when I was on exchange in Oldham. So technically I have yet
to experience rain in Rochdale. That is a miracle considering that
they call this place "Rainy Rochdale."
The missionary work is going very well. We have four people right now
that are totally set on baptism, but unfortunately only one of them is
actually going to be baptised in the near future. Still, I love
teaching humble, sincere seekers of the truth.
I will try to send pictures next week and have more time to email
properly. Thank you to everyone for the emails every week, I love
them. I hope everything is going well back home, and I'll be speaking
to you soon!
Elder Misbach
Unfortunately I'm sitting at a computer that does not allow me to send
pictures and i just spent a considerable amount of time sharing family
pictures with Elder Jackson from California whom I am on exchange
with, so I don't have much time left. But life is good in the UK.
We got a call yesterday from our zone leaders telling us about how USA
killed Osama. We were advised to avoid all Muslim areas and if we ever feel in
danger to go inside and call President. It has thrown just a little bit of
added excitement into the missionary work, especially because there are
quite a few Muslims in the area. But there really isn't an issues and
most Muslims resent Osama anyway, so all is well and the work
We had another baptism this last week and her name was Ethel Happiness
Simpson. Ever since the baptism my companion has been talking about
how he will name his daughter Eden Precious Happiness Smith, haha. It
was a great baptism and Ethel actually came straight from the hospital
to make her baptism. She was helping someone near a street when a car
came and actually ran over her foot. Because of social health care (I'm
NOT a fan) she was waiting for three hours to be seen, when she
realized that she wasn't going to be able to make it to the baptism in
time. So she decided to come to the baptism, get baptised, and then
head back to the hospital afterwards. Amazing stuff. That is devotion.
I loved it.
The weather over here has been fantastic for quite some time now. In
the almost two weeks I have been in Rochdale it has drizzled once; and
that was when I was on exchange in Oldham. So technically I have yet
to experience rain in Rochdale. That is a miracle considering that
they call this place "Rainy Rochdale."
The missionary work is going very well. We have four people right now
that are totally set on baptism, but unfortunately only one of them is
actually going to be baptised in the near future. Still, I love
teaching humble, sincere seekers of the truth.
I will try to send pictures next week and have more time to email
properly. Thank you to everyone for the emails every week, I love
them. I hope everything is going well back home, and I'll be speaking
to you soon!
Elder Misbach
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Hello Family!!
I'm currently writing you from the ROCHDALE library!! I'm the new
Rochdale district leader. My father (missionary term for "trainer"),
Elder Kersey, is the new assistant to the President. I'm working with
Elder Smith from Washington D.C. who is only 4 weeks old in the
mission. We have 4 baptisms in the upcoming week, I have been asked to
get my drivers license, the flat here is beautiful and has a tub with
jets, it's a big city, and the weather is gorgeous. This is by far the
happiest I have been on my mission!! I am so overwhelmed it's
ridiculous, but I love it! Just great things are happening and I'm
loving it. I'm going to have to completely rely on the Lord for the
next couple of weeks to make sure I handle everything I need to. It
really is ridiculous how much stuff I have to remember to get done,
but, like I said, I love it! When President called me to extend the
calling of district leader he told me I was going to be sent to a
historically fruitful area. Rochdale is one of the most successful
areas in the mission. I really don't know what I have done to deserve
this, I am unbelievably humbled that the Lord trusts me here. It is
good times in the life of Elder Misbach!
It was sad to leave Colwyn Bay, but we had a great last day serving
there. Michael is now dated back in the bay, and should be baptized on
the 14th. It was particularly sad to say goodbye to Adam, Alex,
Jessica, Dawn, and Grace (the family we kept baptizing while I was
serving there). They made us an American "going away" meal of burgers
and brownies. It was delicious.
That is pretty much the update on myself. I hope to be reporting much
much more in the near future, but life is good. I hope everything is
going well for all of you and I'll be emailing again on Monday. I'll
be sure to send pictures then, but I don't have much time today.
Elder Misbach
I'm currently writing you from the ROCHDALE library!! I'm the new
Rochdale district leader. My father (missionary term for "trainer"),
Elder Kersey, is the new assistant to the President. I'm working with
Elder Smith from Washington D.C. who is only 4 weeks old in the
mission. We have 4 baptisms in the upcoming week, I have been asked to
get my drivers license, the flat here is beautiful and has a tub with
jets, it's a big city, and the weather is gorgeous. This is by far the
happiest I have been on my mission!! I am so overwhelmed it's
ridiculous, but I love it! Just great things are happening and I'm
loving it. I'm going to have to completely rely on the Lord for the
next couple of weeks to make sure I handle everything I need to. It
really is ridiculous how much stuff I have to remember to get done,
but, like I said, I love it! When President called me to extend the
calling of district leader he told me I was going to be sent to a
historically fruitful area. Rochdale is one of the most successful
areas in the mission. I really don't know what I have done to deserve
this, I am unbelievably humbled that the Lord trusts me here. It is
good times in the life of Elder Misbach!
It was sad to leave Colwyn Bay, but we had a great last day serving
there. Michael is now dated back in the bay, and should be baptized on
the 14th. It was particularly sad to say goodbye to Adam, Alex,
Jessica, Dawn, and Grace (the family we kept baptizing while I was
serving there). They made us an American "going away" meal of burgers
and brownies. It was delicious.
That is pretty much the update on myself. I hope to be reporting much
much more in the near future, but life is good. I hope everything is
going well for all of you and I'll be emailing again on Monday. I'll
be sure to send pictures then, but I don't have much time today.
Elder Misbach
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hello Family,
I enjoy giving a very basic overview of what happened to me in the past week, because then I don't have to type it multiple times and generally the things that happen to me aren't that interesting anyway. As for this last week, the best thing that happened was our new investigator Michael. He is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. He initially didn't want us to come and set up a fake appointment, but he apologized afterwards and has been doing great. He reads the Book of Mormon and prays like 3 times a day. It's great!
Alex's baptism should be this week. Unfortunately he hasn't had his baptismal interview yet because our District forgot about it and didn't show up, so we don't know if he is completely ready yet, but he should be fine. We have also been going out in just our white shirts recently and it's been fantastic. The weather has been gorgeous the past couple of days. There were some moments where I felt like I was in California because of how it felt and because we were right next to the coast.
Well I love you all and thank you for the emails. The pictures I'm sending are the birthday card that my companion made for me (he is an amazing artist) and the fantastically large pasta meal I made before starting my fast.

Elder Misbach
Monday, March 28, 2011

Hello Family,
I thought I'd send a general update this week because I actually have a couple of things to say. On Tuesday of this week we went to the edge of our area to a town called Llanrwst. It was gorgeous, and we actually found someone named Alan. He not only listened to us in Llanrwst but he has taken the hour and a half bus ride to church twice this last week for a lesson and for church. He is doing fantastic. He is 76 and likes to tell us about all of the "young, beautiful women" he meets on the bus (these women are in their 60's at least). It's pretty creepy, but very amusing. He also has told us about how he prayed to know if the love of his life actually loved him back, which sounded pretty sweet until we found out that "the love of his life" was a woman with dementia that he met in a residential home. He went up to her and asked "are you married?" She responded "no" so then he asked "will you marry me?" and she said "yes". She no longer remembers who he is unfortunately (and not surprisingly). He seems to be bouncing back pretty quickly though, apparently the woman he met on the bus yesterday is his next prospect for marriage. I know he sounds really wacky, but he is all there and he is progressing great, I just wish he was married.
The other really positive note is that I have been running every day this transfer so far (except Sundays and zone conference) and I have kept to my healthy food. The only time I don't eat healthy is when members feed us.. Other than that, it's just the same good stuff here in Colwyn Bay. The weather is much nicer and things are starting to bloom, so that is great. Life is good and I'm almost 20. Woo!
Thank you for the emails and the love.
Elder Misbach
Here is my new name badge in Welsh. I enjoy it.

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
A Night to Remember
Hello Family,
Well Dawn and Joan were baptised. Everything went perfectly. Many members from the branch showed up and Elder Hanks did as well. The only reason Elder Hanks was able to come was because Brother and Sister Preston offered to take them. Brother Preston is the next Mission President for this mission, haha, so we had my future mission president at this baptism! Adam had to baptize Joan twice because she didn't go all the way under, but he took it like a champ and nailed the next two baptisms. It was one marvelous night.
Elder Hansen confirmed Joan and I confirmed Dawn and it was great. The spirit was very strong, one of the strongest of my missions. Later that day Dawn and Joan held a little buffet at Dawn's home because they didn't have refreshments after the baptism due to fast Sunday. A lot of people showed up and it was just great. I sat there and thought about the first time I went to teach Adam with Elder Hanks to that moment when practically half the branch was sitting in Adam's home with his family and newly baptised mother and grandmother. Fantastic stuff. (Adam's brother, Alex, says he wants to be baptised as well).
Other than that, just the same old stuff. The weather has been beautiful and we are still seeing success. We had a new investigator come to church named Ian, so hopefully that will go somewhere. We have transfers next week, so I wont be emailing until either Wednesday or Thursday of next week. I could be leaving as well, so it's an exciting time.
Life is good and the gospel is true.
Love y'all!
Elder Misbach
PS: I just moved my mouse up to the "attach a file" button when I realized that I forgot the cord that I need to transfer pictures. Sorry about that. They are some really good pictures- I'll be sure to send them next week.
Well Dawn and Joan were baptised. Everything went perfectly. Many members from the branch showed up and Elder Hanks did as well. The only reason Elder Hanks was able to come was because Brother and Sister Preston offered to take them. Brother Preston is the next Mission President for this mission, haha, so we had my future mission president at this baptism! Adam had to baptize Joan twice because she didn't go all the way under, but he took it like a champ and nailed the next two baptisms. It was one marvelous night.
Elder Hansen confirmed Joan and I confirmed Dawn and it was great. The spirit was very strong, one of the strongest of my missions. Later that day Dawn and Joan held a little buffet at Dawn's home because they didn't have refreshments after the baptism due to fast Sunday. A lot of people showed up and it was just great. I sat there and thought about the first time I went to teach Adam with Elder Hanks to that moment when practically half the branch was sitting in Adam's home with his family and newly baptised mother and grandmother. Fantastic stuff. (Adam's brother, Alex, says he wants to be baptised as well).
Other than that, just the same old stuff. The weather has been beautiful and we are still seeing success. We had a new investigator come to church named Ian, so hopefully that will go somewhere. We have transfers next week, so I wont be emailing until either Wednesday or Thursday of next week. I could be leaving as well, so it's an exciting time.
Life is good and the gospel is true.
Love y'all!
Elder Misbach
PS: I just moved my mouse up to the "attach a file" button when I realized that I forgot the cord that I need to transfer pictures. Sorry about that. They are some really good pictures- I'll be sure to send them next week.
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hello Family,
I don't have an overwhelming amount of energy today, so I thought I'd send a mass email. I'll be sure to do better this upcoming Monday.
I have a new companion. He is Elder Hansen. He lived in Orem for the first 15 years of his life and now lives in Idaho. He is a very hardworking, obedient missionary and I think we are going to get a lot done.
We are seeing success here in Colwyn Bay. Andrew and Lisa, our dated investigators are doing well now. They dropped us twice in the past week for interesting reasons, but we talked to them about it and they are doing fine now. They should be baptized in about three weeks. We also taught Adam's mother and grandmother and they are fantastic. They just can't tell us enough about how great the gospel has been to Adam and how much he has changed (happier). They are very enthusiastic about the message.
The weather is starting to get warmer, but on this particular day is very cold and windy.
I don't really know what else to say except that I really need to start eating healthier, and judging by what I just bought for the next week, I won't be eating healthy for at least a week.
love you all,
Elder Misbach

January 26, 2011
Hello family,
I'm writing late this week because my companion has been sick with the stomach flu for the past two days. He is doing better now though, so all is well. This last week was Adam's baptism which went very well. He was very emotional after both his baptism and his confirmation. He is a stud. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so I can't send pictures, but I will send them next week. You aren't missing much though because I forgot my camera at the baptism as well, haha.
Things are going pretty well. We were inside for the two worst weather days in quite a while and it's beautiful today. It's transfers next week so I won't be emailing until either Wednesday or Thursday next week. Because this is a branch and is generally a pretty slow area, missionaries don't normally stay for longer than two transfers, so there is a good chance I will have another companion when I email next. I'm looking forward to that.
Not much else to say. Aside from the baptism it's been pretty uneventful. We have seen a ton of miracles, but they are more "you had to be there to really experience it" sort of things.
Things are going well
Elder Misbach
I'm writing late this week because my companion has been sick with the stomach flu for the past two days. He is doing better now though, so all is well. This last week was Adam's baptism which went very well. He was very emotional after both his baptism and his confirmation. He is a stud. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so I can't send pictures, but I will send them next week. You aren't missing much though because I forgot my camera at the baptism as well, haha.
Things are going pretty well. We were inside for the two worst weather days in quite a while and it's beautiful today. It's transfers next week so I won't be emailing until either Wednesday or Thursday next week. Because this is a branch and is generally a pretty slow area, missionaries don't normally stay for longer than two transfers, so there is a good chance I will have another companion when I email next. I'm looking forward to that.
Not much else to say. Aside from the baptism it's been pretty uneventful. We have seen a ton of miracles, but they are more "you had to be there to really experience it" sort of things.
Things are going well
Elder Misbach
Monday, January 17, 2011

Hello Family,
This past week was once again a very successful week for us. The Lord is really blessing us. We now have 3 solidly dated investigators and Adam is being baptized this Saturday. I'm really looking forward to that. This past week we street contacted the promenade for about 2 hours and it was gorgeous. It's really nice to be in this area because even when I'm not really feeling excited about missionary work I can enjoy the scenery and that cheers me up. We tracted out a woman last night that told us about how she had been baptized in the river Jordan and then proceeded to whip out her photo album and show us her entire trip. She was close to 80 and was cracking jokes and everything. It was quite enjoyable. I love the interesting people you meet on a mission. Things are going well and the weather is beautiful today. I'm going to send pictures of Conwy Castle, views from the castle, and my new hair cut. I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out. It's the first time I have had multiple lengths of hair in about 7 months. Hope everything is going well!

Elder Misbach

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