Hello Family,
My first baptism!! Woo! It finally arrived, and although it didn't go nearly as smoothly as it should have Craig is now baptised and confirmed. We received 10 inches of snow on the day of the baptism, and England is amazingly ill-equipped to handle snow, so there was a brief time when we thought that we might have to postpone the baptism. Then we realized it was much more important for Craig to receive the Holy Ghost than wait for three weeks just so more members could see it.
After we decided to go ahead with the baptism we started to worry that no one would be there and we were just trying to ensure that we had at least another witness. Luckily we have a strong ward here and there was a pretty good showing, with a lot of late-comers.
Then the baptismal service began and it was certainly less than spectacular, haha. We had a member of the bishopric who had been called just last week. He is very handsy when he speaks and has trouble getting to the point, and he decided to not use the podium when he welcomed Craig to the ward, haha. But we were just grateful he came. We also had a speaker who only joined the church last march and has just been called to be the first counselor in the Elders quorum. He gave a very interesting talk on the Holy Ghost including one part where he mentioned that after Craig was confirmed he would be "invaded" by the Holy Ghost, haha. That was enjoyable.
Then it was up to me. All I had to do was memorize one sentence. I probably said it over 100 times in the two days leading up to the baptism. But when it really counted, I choked, haha. I said "having been commissioned BY Jesus Christ" as opposed to "having been commissioned OF Jesus Christ" I honestly don't know how that happened and I knew it was wrong as soon as I said it, but needless to say it was fairly embarrassing. But then he was baptised and the purpose to the service was accomplished. Craig's Brother and Grandfather came which was good because his mother wasn't able to make it.
Overall it wasn't nearly how I thought it would be, but it was great. And it was on my six month anniversary, which I thought was cool. I included a good picture and a random picture.
Talk to you soon!!

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