Monday, May 28, 2012

Hello Family,

This is my final greeting from abroad. Sad times. I can't believe how
fast time is moving right now. I'll be home before I know it. Life is
good in Chorley. We had our four baptisms this last week and they were
all amazing. Each and every one of them is so solid in the gospel and
it's fantastic! I also gave my departing testimony in Zone Conference,
which went well, and I also got to show off my bouncing a golf ball on
a golf club skills for one of the mission presidents trainings. That
was fun =) This week I have two exchanges, an activity with the YSA
being done by our mission president, witnessing the torch come trough
Chorley (legitimate), and I'm going back for a baptism in Warrington
on Saturday =D Poppy, the daughter of Irene, is getting baptised. I'm
so stoked! The end of my mission is going to be so epic! We also have
the mission home fireside which we are going to on Sunday because one
of our recent converts is speaking there, then another exchange on
Monday, then Tuesday I pack up and say goodbyes, then Wednesday I'm
done. Unbelievable.

This truly has been the best two years of my life. It's been the
hardest, but happiest time of my life. I have learned SO much. I'm
going to be forever different in a very positive way because of my
mission and I love that! THE GOSPEL IS SO TRUE!

Life is wonderful isn't it?

Thank you so much for all the support and emails and prayers you have
given me while I have been out. I really appreciate it. This wouldn't
have been the same without all the help. I'm excited to see you all
very soon.

Keep making good choices and be happy!

Elder Misbach

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hello Familia,

Things are magnificent in Chorley. We just had the best week of my
mission. We have four baptisms coming up this next week! Woo! All of
them are so solid and have such strong testimonies. One of the people
we are teaching is a young man (20) named Anthony. He is by far the
most prepared person I have ever taught. I'm so excited for him! I
bought loads of stuff last P-day and I'm pretty much set for the
things I wanted to get. Things are running quite smoothly and I love
it. I'll be giving my departing testimony this week in Zone
Conference. Time certainly flies. I have become quite complacent with
my diet and exercise and I'm probably not going to be in the best of
shape for my return, but I'm not overly bothered. Oh, I also received
my going home letter. It has tags for my luggage and all the info I
need for my return home. I don't think it has really hit me yet that I
only have 2 and a half more weeks, but I'm sure it will sink in soon.
I'm just enjoying these last couple of weeks.

Life is great and the gospel is true.

Hope everything is going well back home! Talk to you soon!

Elder Misbach

These are photos from a zone activity last transfer where we went to
Old Trafford and played soccer.


Friday, May 18, 2012

Hello Family,

It was good to speak to most of the family yesterday. I'll be back
very soon now. Things are still going very well here in Chorley.
Missionary work is the best =) I'll send a picture that was taken at
my last meeting (Zone Leader Council). The young man that is dated for
baptism that we taught last night, said he knows that it's true and is
totally set for baptism on the 26th of this month =D He is doing so
well. I'm hopefully going to buy souvenirs today and a new suit, we
will see if it actually works out that way. Life is good and my
driving improves. Speak to you soon!


Elder Misbach

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 7, 2012

Hello Family,

Things are still going quite well and I'm still very busy. We are seeing so much success in this area and this zone. We have 10 dated investigators in the Chorley zone, which is, by far, the most I have ever seen on my mission. I'm loving serving with Elder Ringwood as well. He is a very good missionary and just enjoys every day he is out here. We cover two wards here, so on Sunday we were at church from before 9 until about 3. It was great! There are a lot of active members though, so it was difficult to get to know people. My driving is WAY better. I think I might want to get a manual when I get back, because now I can drive one and they are supposed to be cheaper. I'm also committing to my diet again, so hopefully I will be in good shape when I get back =) I'm looking forward to speaking to everyone on Sunday. I will call home at 6 PM this Sunday (11 AM in Utah). So hopefully that works for everyone. If not, I'll just see you in four weeks, ha. We also have a sports day tomorrow, which will be excellent.

Life is marvelous. I hope everyone is doing well. I'll see and speak to you soon!

Elder Misbach

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 3, 2012

Hello Family!

Well, turns out I was entirely wrong about what would happen with me
for my last transfer. The Lord has one more epic experience for me,
and I am LOVING it so far. I have been called to be a Zone Leader in
the Chorley Zone (The zone with the temple in it). I'm serving with
Elder Ringwood, who actually got called to be a zone leader here last
transfer from Hyde, ha. He is from Darlington England and is fantastic.
It is a blast so far. We are very busy though, so I wont be able to
give individual responses to everyone. Sorry about that. I am the
driver because Elder Ringwood doesn't have his license yet. I found
that out about 5 minutes before I needed to drive, ha. It's been
shaky to be back on the manual again for the first time in 5 months,
but we are alive. So much stuff is happening here. Life is good. I
can't believe I only have 5 weeks left! Sad stuff.

I also went back for Irene's baptism last Saturday, which was great.
I'm glad that her email got through. She is a very good person.

I will be calling to skype home on Sunday at 4 pm here, which means
that it will be 9 am in Utah. If I'm not right on time though, just
hang in there. We are so busy!

The gospel is so great. Thank you for all the support. I will be
speaking to you soon and seeing you soon as well!


Elder Misbach

 NO3TICE: This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A few Updates

April 23, 2012

Hello Family,

Things are going well in Hyde. We are starting to figure out the area and how to work it. The Manchester side of our area is certainly the more productive side. I'm doing quite well with my diet and exercise =) I have already lost some weight and I feel good. At this rate I should be close to my pre-mission weight by the time I return. My mission has certainly taught me what does and doesn't work when it comes to dieting and exercise, ha. Some very good news I received is that one of our investigators back in Warrington is getting baptized! =D Her name is Irene. She requested that I come back for her baptism, so I got permission from President and I will be going to that this Saturday. I'm stoked! I also went on exchange with the office elders again this week, but this time we actually did missionary work. We worked in an area called Buxton, which is about a 30 minute drive from their flat. The drive out there was the prettiest I have seen in England. It was beautiful. It makes me want to visit England and see what it is like, not as a missionary.

Overall, things are good. This should be another great week. This is the last week before transfers, so I wont be emailing until Wednesday next week. My last transfer...CRAZY. I hope everything is going well back home. Talk to you soon!


Elder Misbach

April 16, 2012

Hello Family,

Things have been good these past few days. Thank you for the emails. Nothing too excited has happened in the past few days really. We spent most of our time trying to contact people in Manchester (half of our area is considered Manchester and the other half is considered Greater Manchester) and it's been nice. There are loads of Africans and they almost always listen. I love their accents and love of God. I have dealt with Africans quite a bit on my mission, but these are the proper Manchester Africans and I love them. We had a very quick change of plans today. The zone leaders decided to plan a last second zone activity to old trafford. I personally would have preferred writing letters (what I mostly do on P-days. That and taking long showers) but Elder Matute has been dying to get to old trafford (the place where Manchester United plays) and we are playing soccer which is his favorite thing to do (he almost played professionally in Honduras). So now we are are going to do that. It should be fun.

Overall life is good. Not long left...exciting and very sad at the same time. I hope everyone has a good week.


Elder Misbach                

 April 13, 2012

Alrighty! I'm back!

So It's weird to be updating you about last week since this week is almost over, but last week was good. It was very busy. On Saturday we had to go from one meeting in the morning in South Manchester straight to another meeting in the afternoon back in our area (east Manchester). That was quite the experience. We also had a leadership training meeting on Tuesday, which was quite good. On my birthday Elder Matute was sick, so we stayed in. That meant that I got to clean the flat on my birthday!! =D So now the flat is so much cleaner and it is actually quite nice. I also attempted to make some frosting with some powdered sugar that I found, but I drowned it in milk and it didn't work out. I'd say the big things I did for my birthday (besides clean the flat) were, making myself some hamburgers, and Elder Matute surprising me with some chicken lasagna (which was quite good). Other than that I just studied and listened to my new music (which I like a lot). This week I had my final interview with President Preston until I leave the mission, which is quite weird to think. That was good. I also went on exchange with the office elders who are in my district and we moved furniture and rubbish out of an old missionary flat. That was very interesting. The Church is so organized. But other than that, there isn't much to report. Life is good and the flat is clean, so I'm happy. I hope that everyone is having a good week and I'll speak to you in a few days!


Elder Misbach

April 10, 2012

Hello Family,

I'm really sorry, but because of a "Bank Holiday" I may not have time to properly email everyone. I might be able to, but if so, it wont be until much later this week. At any rate. Thank you very much for the emails and birthday wishes! I will speak to you soon! (hopefully I'll be able to email Thursday)


Elder Misbach

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 2, 2012

Hello Family!

Thank you very much for the birthday wishes! I keep forgetting that it is my birthday this week. I have loads of meetings right now for some reason. I love meetings though, so I'm not complaining. I'm so busy though, that my birthday rarely registers, ha. I wont be doing anything for my 21st. I tried to do something last year and that not only failed, but ended up with me eating some very unhealthy products. I can't afford to make that same mistake again, so close to my return. I have to get back into shape! Things are slow in Hyde right now. We haven't seen much success at all so far. But we are working hard and working on improving, which is great. Elder Matute, because he is so young in the mission, has helped me to focus on changing and becoming better again. General Conference was absolutely excellent. I loved it all! It was the perfect conference to end my mission with. I came with two questions in mind and they were both answered almost instantly. So many good talks. So good! We also had Zone Conference this last week and the big event for this one was a scripture chase. We were tested on 131 scriptures. We did the same thing (with 6 less scriptures) about a year and a half ago and I actually did really well. I made it to the semi-final round last time. I was determined to make it to the final this time though...and I did =) I didn't win, but I'm quite pleased with my performance. That was a lot of fun. One other interesting thing I haven't mentioned yet is that Elder Matute talks in his sleep. I have had other companions that do that but it's unique with Elder Matute because it's in Spanish. I'm hoping that it will subliminally teach me how to speak Spanish. We will see. Other than that, things are good and life is wonderful.

Thanks again for the birthday wishes and I hope everything is going well!

Elder Misbach

March 25, 2012

Hello Family,

Things are much better in Hyde. We got the hot water sorted and have got ourselves in order. The baptism on Saturday went really well. It took us 4 hours to sort out the font, but we made it in the end. Our mission president was the one that actually did the baptism and there were loads of missionaries that had been involved in her teaching process, so we had a big missionary force there. Hyde seems to be a pretty fruitful area and I'm excited to really get going. We have got the flat to about 50% of what I would want it to be, but we are getting there. I have also begun my last attempt at trying to get back into shape before I head home. We will see how it goes. My companion is very fit so I'm hoping that will help (he played professional football/soccer in Honduras). Overall, things are good. Oh, and the weather has been amazing. It is been bright, sunny, warm, with nice cool breezes. It's lovely right now. That would be nice if it held out for another two and half months, haha.

Well I hope that everyone is doing well back home. Talk to you soon!


Elder Misbach