Hello Familia,
Things are pretty nuts for me right now. I have whitewashed into Hyde (in Manchester). I'm serving with Elder Matute from Honduras who is about 5 months old in the field and didn't know a word of English before his mission (he is pretty good now though). We also have a baptism this Saturday, which apparently I have to do the interview for tonight. The elders before us apparently had one hour to get all their stuff and move out of the flat, so it was a MESS when we got there. I could hardly handle it. We have got it to respectable status. It took us about a half an hour to find the library this morning. We just followed the street signs. This is absolutely crazy, and I love it! =) I haven't been this stressed since I moved to Rochdale about a year ago. I had nightmares all night about sleeping in and having things just fall apart in this area, haha. Things should mellow out very shortly, but I'm loving it right now. I'm glad I got to have this experience before I left. My luggage also broke when I was getting transferred to Hyde and I had my first (and probably, only) opportunity to drive on my own in England. They had me help take a car back to the mission office. It wasn't proper though because it was an automatic. Our flat really isn't that bad when it's clean and Elder Matute is a hard worker. I'm excited to see everything that will happen. Oh, and the weather has been lovely. I'm excited for my first opportunity to just sit and think, which will hopefully happen in about an hour or so. Life is good and the gospel is true :)
I hope that everyone is doing well back home. Thank you for the emails. I'll try to give a response to all of them.
Elder Misbach
Oh! and we have no hot water =)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
March 12, 2012
Hello Family,
This past week has been a good one; many miracles. Last night we had a full night of knocking doors and we were let in to two. Both of the men solidly accepted baptism. Great stuff! We had another meeting in Liverpool which was nice. Elder Sumner and I are getting along great and we are seeing a lot of success because of it. I also found out that all of the truly disgusting dishes in the UK have dried fruit (Sultanas in particular) as one of their ingredients, if not the main ingredient. I had "Christmas Cake" this week, which is essentially half cake and half dried fruit. It was so gross I could hardly choke it down. I did though because these were two of my favorite members in the ward. Elder Sumner and I regularly have debates about what is "good" food, and I am happy to say that (in my mind) I always win =) This is my last P-day of the transfer, so I wont be emailing until Wednesday or Thursday of next week. I have been here for 6 months now, so I will most likely be leaving Warrington and going to my last area. Crazy stuff!
I hope everyone is going well. If there are any requests for (cheap) souvenirs please let me know :)
Elder Misbach
This past week has been a good one; many miracles. Last night we had a full night of knocking doors and we were let in to two. Both of the men solidly accepted baptism. Great stuff! We had another meeting in Liverpool which was nice. Elder Sumner and I are getting along great and we are seeing a lot of success because of it. I also found out that all of the truly disgusting dishes in the UK have dried fruit (Sultanas in particular) as one of their ingredients, if not the main ingredient. I had "Christmas Cake" this week, which is essentially half cake and half dried fruit. It was so gross I could hardly choke it down. I did though because these were two of my favorite members in the ward. Elder Sumner and I regularly have debates about what is "good" food, and I am happy to say that (in my mind) I always win =) This is my last P-day of the transfer, so I wont be emailing until Wednesday or Thursday of next week. I have been here for 6 months now, so I will most likely be leaving Warrington and going to my last area. Crazy stuff!
I hope everyone is going well. If there are any requests for (cheap) souvenirs please let me know :)
Elder Misbach
Friday, March 9, 2012
March 5, 2012
Myself in front of the temple (possibly for the last time)

Hello family,
Things are going great in Warrington. We had three investigators in sacrament this last week and now we have one dated investigator! Woo! I taught my first lesson to someone who hardly speaks English this last week. She is from Hungary and is very bad with English. We had to use a/an (?) Hungarian pamphlet to teach her. It obviously went well though because then she walked to church with us on Sunday. Teaching her is an experience I certainly wont forget. Things are just going very well and we are really busy. The weather is also becoming really nice. Today is gorgeous. (I say gorgeous, but to be honest, it would qualify as "normal" back home). Things are looking up. Elder Sumner and I are still getting along great and seeing miracles because of it. I also gave myself another haircut last night, so I'm feeling refreshed. Things are good =)
I hope everything is going well back home! Talk to you soon!
Elder Misbach
The pictures I am sending are all from the last zone conference:
1)Elder Sumner and myself [a bit of a height difference...]
2)Elder Sapaden and myself
3)Elder Hansen and myself

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