This has been a good week. We had our last zone conference with
President and Sister Bullock. There were quite a few teary eyes. We
sang "God be with you 'till we meet again" for the final hymn which
created most of the tears, and then as they were walking out we struck
up "Called to Serve" and even I got choked up at that point. It was
very spirit-filled and powerful. I actually just wrote my final letter
to President Bullock. So now it's time to look forward to President
Preston, and I'm pretty excited. He has some huge shoes to fill, but I
hear only good things and he seems like a very good, faithful person.
My final year should be good.
Other than that, the most interesting thing this past week was the
weather. We went from mist all day for a good 4 or so days, to bright
and sunny. Unfortunately, it's now officially summer and it's very
uncomfortable. You start to sweat within minutes. I don't really know
what to hope for now, rain, or hot and humid. I can't decide which is
the lesser of two evils.
There was one other good experience I had this last week that I can
share. I was on exchange in Middleton with Elder Whited and we taught
one of their investigators named Attima. She is from France, but lived
in India for 7 years and adopted a lot of Hindu Beliefs. She is
probably the most upbeat person I have ever met. All she talks about
is making people happy and sharing the love. She was amazingly
pleasant, but wasn't really listening to us. We weren't going anywhere
with her until Elder Whited asked what it would mean to her if she
knew that she could be with her family forever. Turns out she believed
in Reincarnation and so she didn't understand what we meant at first,
but when she did, she fist pumped the air, stoop up, and said "Ya!"
She was so jazzed she couldn't contain it. She just loaded us with
butterscotch sweets and said, "You made me happy, so now I need to
make you happy!" It was quite an enjoyable experience. The gospel is
So life is good and things are going well. I hope that everyone back
home is happy and healthy.
Elder Misbach