Hello Family!
So I like the idea of sending a general update of myself to everyone and then responding individually. It seemed to work out nicely that one time. That way I don't have to type the same information 3 or 4 different times.
As for Elder Rapata and I in Telford, things are fantastic! We have another dated investigator. We walked to church with him yesterday. He is the most intelligent person I have taught so far on my mission and he is only 14 years old. His name is Craig and he is taking a R.E. (Religious Education) class at his school, which is why his mom said he would be interested. He keeps telling us stories about how he already knows the answers in R.E. because of what we are teaching him, haha. We told him that he probably knows more than the teacher. We are teaching his mom as well, but she doesn't have quite the same commitment Craig does. He should be baptized on the 11th of December! Long time between now and then, but I'm still excited.
The other dated investigator is named Kara and she is the finance of a member's less active son. She is doing really great. She has lived a very rough life so far and she tells us about how happy she has been since meeting with us. She has felt the spirit a ton and loves to tell us about it. She should be baptized on the 18th.
It was a pretty good week overall because of the progress we made with Craig and Kara. We really struggled to find new people though. I haven't experienced success yet, so now that we actually have some, I struggled to schedule things correctly and keep the right mind set. It's tough to go from teaching people that accept everything you say, to out on the streets where people aren't quite as nice. So, our finding was actually the worst of my mission, but we will do better.
Other than that, things are just going well. Elder Rapata and I get along very well. We haven't had any real conflicts. Because we are both fairly new we have a very similar mindset and we mesh well. It's getting very cold. They describe the cold here as one that sinks into you, and now I get what they mean. It's pretty brutal. Especially with the wind chill on the bikes. Overall though things are great.
Elder Misbach