Hey mom!
I enjoy the quotes quite a bit. Ya the new place is great. The electricity isn't the best. Our study room and all of the upstairs has a short, so none of the lights turn on, haha. But we get through it. And I'm actually getting my bike fixed today. I'm thinking I probably won't be in a bike area by Christmas, but thank you. I'm excited for my bike to run smoothly. I'll try to remember to take some pictures this week of the new place and stuff.
You should send a shout out to Kacey from me on the blog. It was good to hear from all the family, I didn't even realize they were looking at the blog and stuff.
As for things in England, they are going ok. Elder Holman and I aren't getting along to great right now. I went from Elder Kersey, who was a bit overly strict, to Elder Holman, who isn't nearly strict enough. And I have had issues with both of them, haha. One because I wasn't as in to the work as I should have been, and the other because he feels I am too into the work. I have brought up the issue with Elder Holman and he isn't too happy about it. We tracted (knocked doors) for 5 hours yesterday! and for about 2 of those hours we didn't really talk to each other, haha. We are fine now, and in the end he always says that I'm right (whether or not i actually am, idk) but in general I'm trying to be more obedient and it isn't going over very well for the companion ship. We pretty much haven't had any success as far as the work. I think that is mostly because we aren't getting along as good as we should and because we aren't being very obedient. I hope that my email next week will be a bit more upbeat about the situation.
I do have a good story this week. For two days we worked as a threesome because Elder Green from the next area went to leadership training and his companion Elder Huges came to work with us. The first day we worked in their area (which is beautiful, by the way) and it went really well. We had a lot of lessons and the spirit was way strong, it was definitely good. But on the way back to the flat, we had to hurry because we needed to get back to the flat and we were on the complete opposite side of their area. My brakes on my bike don't really work (the reason why it's in the shop today) so I couldn't go as fast as them and I was just about to yell at them when we went around a corner and they were completely gone. It was rather surreal. I decided to go the way I thought was correct and just hope they were waiting for me. I went a little ways and realized they were no where in sight. I then saw two kids walking on the side of the road and asked them if they had seen two men dressed like myself come by on bikes and they said they hadn't. I realized then that I was lost. It was completely dark by this time, it was about 8:40 and it was very interesting. I asked the kid if I could use her phone and she said yes. Then I proceeded to dial the wrong number about 4 times, haha. The girl had to enter a password everytime I dialed too, it was great. Finally, I looked in my planner and it was there. I got into contact with Elder Holman and they came and found me. I contacted a few people while I waited for them as well. We absolutely booked it back (I have never pushed myself that hard in my life) and we made it back exactly on time, 9 o'clock. There were so many miracles that happened that night it's amazing. The Lord was definitely on my side. It's ironic though because out of the three of us, two of us had phones and knew the area, one of us did not have a phone and no clue about the area, especially at night, and that was the missionary that got lost, haha.
Anyway, just thought I'd share that. Hope you enjoy it, haha. I love you very much, thank you for everything, I hope Aspen Grove is fun, and I hope everything is going well. I love you!
Elder Misbach

I enjoy the quotes quite a bit. Ya the new place is great. The electricity isn't the best. Our study room and all of the upstairs has a short, so none of the lights turn on, haha. But we get through it. And I'm actually getting my bike fixed today. I'm thinking I probably won't be in a bike area by Christmas, but thank you. I'm excited for my bike to run smoothly. I'll try to remember to take some pictures this week of the new place and stuff.
You should send a shout out to Kacey from me on the blog. It was good to hear from all the family, I didn't even realize they were looking at the blog and stuff.
As for things in England, they are going ok. Elder Holman and I aren't getting along to great right now. I went from Elder Kersey, who was a bit overly strict, to Elder Holman, who isn't nearly strict enough. And I have had issues with both of them, haha. One because I wasn't as in to the work as I should have been, and the other because he feels I am too into the work. I have brought up the issue with Elder Holman and he isn't too happy about it. We tracted (knocked doors) for 5 hours yesterday! and for about 2 of those hours we didn't really talk to each other, haha. We are fine now, and in the end he always says that I'm right (whether or not i actually am, idk) but in general I'm trying to be more obedient and it isn't going over very well for the companion ship. We pretty much haven't had any success as far as the work. I think that is mostly because we aren't getting along as good as we should and because we aren't being very obedient. I hope that my email next week will be a bit more upbeat about the situation.
I do have a good story this week. For two days we worked as a threesome because Elder Green from the next area went to leadership training and his companion Elder Huges came to work with us. The first day we worked in their area (which is beautiful, by the way) and it went really well. We had a lot of lessons and the spirit was way strong, it was definitely good. But on the way back to the flat, we had to hurry because we needed to get back to the flat and we were on the complete opposite side of their area. My brakes on my bike don't really work (the reason why it's in the shop today) so I couldn't go as fast as them and I was just about to yell at them when we went around a corner and they were completely gone. It was rather surreal. I decided to go the way I thought was correct and just hope they were waiting for me. I went a little ways and realized they were no where in sight. I then saw two kids walking on the side of the road and asked them if they had seen two men dressed like myself come by on bikes and they said they hadn't. I realized then that I was lost. It was completely dark by this time, it was about 8:40 and it was very interesting. I asked the kid if I could use her phone and she said yes. Then I proceeded to dial the wrong number about 4 times, haha. The girl had to enter a password everytime I dialed too, it was great. Finally, I looked in my planner and it was there. I got into contact with Elder Holman and they came and found me. I contacted a few people while I waited for them as well. We absolutely booked it back (I have never pushed myself that hard in my life) and we made it back exactly on time, 9 o'clock. There were so many miracles that happened that night it's amazing. The Lord was definitely on my side. It's ironic though because out of the three of us, two of us had phones and knew the area, one of us did not have a phone and no clue about the area, especially at night, and that was the missionary that got lost, haha.
Anyway, just thought I'd share that. Hope you enjoy it, haha. I love you very much, thank you for everything, I hope Aspen Grove is fun, and I hope everything is going well. I love you!
Elder Misbach

The new apartment is going well. The mission president and his wife are actually going around to all the flats to personally inspect them this transfer. This is only the second time they have done this, so we really lucked out. I bet ours will be the cleanest in the mission. Elder Green actually fixed the upstairs lights, which was awesome. We only have one room with no electricity, it's our study room, which is annoying, but it's not worth the hassle of calling the landlord. We just use handheld lights. My bike is fixed, thankfully. I fully fixed it this morning. Ya, depending on what area you are in is what determines what transportation you take There are some areas that have cars, some use buses, and some use bikes. Chances are I won't be in a bike area after this one, and I'll probably only be in this area for another 9 weeks. I really don't need anything sent to me. There are a couple of CD's I would like, but I figure I'll just ask for those for Christmas. If you would like to send me some American candy (sour patch, chewy sweet tarts, pez, starbursts, etc.) (not chocolate though because the chocolate here is actually way better) I would greatly appreciate it. But you really don't need to send me anything, I'm fine. Thank you though.
haha, I love hearing the Cole quotes. I miss you all very much too.
I'm glad Aspen Grove went well. And I hope the birthdays went well. CB seemed to like his and I enjoy his goatee. I certainly hope that school is going well for Cole and Cooper. I got the email from Cooper and thoroughly enjoyed it.
As for England, things are going much better. We had a lot of success this last week. We had zone conference last week and it seems to have inspired both Elder Holman and I. We are starting to do all the little things and it is amazing how much the Lord blesses you when you just put forth the effort. We really have seen miracles. Right now the woman we are really excited for is a woman named Freeda. She was someone I contacted a few weeks before I stopped working with Elder Kersey. I had made multiple appointments with her and she just kept falling through. She always had an excuse and said she was really interested though so I kept rescheduling here. This last week I rescheduled her for Friday afternoon and she fell through again and rescheduled for Saturday morning. This was her last chance. This was the fifth appointment we had made with her. We knocked on the door twice with no answer. We were so disappointed and irritated. We started to right a note to leave on her door and like 3 minutes later the door opens, haha. It was Freeda's daughter who told us Freeda was just in the shower. We ended up teaching her that day. We had to sit outside while she sat inside because her husband wasn't home, but it was an amazing lesson. She was very interested and couldn't believe that faithful young women in our church were virgins until they got married, haha. It started to poor rain and we wrapped it up, but she is very solid. I love it when we find people to teach!
I love you very much. Thank you for everything. I hope that everything is going well and that everyone is happy. I'm going to try and send some pictures, but we will see. I love you!

haha, I love hearing the Cole quotes. I miss you all very much too.
I'm glad Aspen Grove went well. And I hope the birthdays went well. CB seemed to like his and I enjoy his goatee. I certainly hope that school is going well for Cole and Cooper. I got the email from Cooper and thoroughly enjoyed it.
As for England, things are going much better. We had a lot of success this last week. We had zone conference last week and it seems to have inspired both Elder Holman and I. We are starting to do all the little things and it is amazing how much the Lord blesses you when you just put forth the effort. We really have seen miracles. Right now the woman we are really excited for is a woman named Freeda. She was someone I contacted a few weeks before I stopped working with Elder Kersey. I had made multiple appointments with her and she just kept falling through. She always had an excuse and said she was really interested though so I kept rescheduling here. This last week I rescheduled her for Friday afternoon and she fell through again and rescheduled for Saturday morning. This was her last chance. This was the fifth appointment we had made with her. We knocked on the door twice with no answer. We were so disappointed and irritated. We started to right a note to leave on her door and like 3 minutes later the door opens, haha. It was Freeda's daughter who told us Freeda was just in the shower. We ended up teaching her that day. We had to sit outside while she sat inside because her husband wasn't home, but it was an amazing lesson. She was very interested and couldn't believe that faithful young women in our church were virgins until they got married, haha. It started to poor rain and we wrapped it up, but she is very solid. I love it when we find people to teach!
I love you very much. Thank you for everything. I hope that everything is going well and that everyone is happy. I'm going to try and send some pictures, but we will see. I love you!

The girl in these photos is named Gayle Marshal. Elder Kersey and I found her but she was taught in the area next to us. She is the first person that I have found that has been baptized =) it was an amazing baptism. And Guin just wanted to say hi.