Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Me and Elder Green- the new district leader

Me and Elder Peterson- former zone leader that just went home.
Me mowing the back lawn "The Beast"

August 18, 2010 & August 24, 2010

Hi mom!
Sorry it has taken me so long. This week was transfers week so we don't have a p-day until Wednesday. That happens every 6 weeks except for the one 5 week transfer.
I have a new companion!!! Elder Holman! He is from Pleasant Grove Utah and he actually knows Madi (the girl that I would hang out with when I hung out with Heather and Annie). I am so stoked!! He is so much more relaxed than Elder Kersey. I appreciate Elder Kersey and all that he has done for me, but I am so glad to finally work with a missionary that enjoys the work and helps his companion enjoy it as well. It was somewhat sad to say bye to Elder Kersey, especially since he got called to be a zone leader in Liverpool, which is in the north of the mission, so I won't see him for a very long time, but I am just so stoked to work with Elder Holman. He actually just moved one area over. He was already in this district, I have seen him a ton, and we have even been on an exchange. He is way cool. This was the biggest transfer in the history of the mission. In these last two transfers 33% of the mission is new. It is pretty exciting, but pretty crazy as well. I'm really looking forward to this next transfer.
I'm going to try to send at least the picture that I just barely took of Elder Holman and I, but it made the computer freak out last time I tried, so we will see. I took a lot more pictures. I had an exchange with Elder Peterson this last week which was amazing. He is going home this transfer unfortunately and we just barely helped him leave. It is pretty discouraging to see missionaries leave and think "that wont be me for a LONG time" but with Elder Holman it's easy to get excited about the work again.
We haven't received mail for weeks now so I actually don't know what it is that you sent me, and I'm angry too. I want to have it! I'm going to have to spend a whole p-day just writing people back because of the back-up of letters I will have (hopefully).
I also had training camp yesterday, which was way cool. It was only the missionaries in my mtc group for a follow-up training with the assistants and president. It was way good to see everyone again and everyone is doing amazing. This is definitely a good mission filled with some amazing missionaries.
We are moving flats next week and I am pretty excited. There is a lot of change going on and I really feel like it is a good thing. This flat is just not in good condition, I might take some pictures before we go, but you can tell that missionaries have lived here for quite some time. Every time I go to another missionary's flat I think "wow, this is nice!" But that is probably just because of the condition of the flat I am in right now. Our new flat is supposed to be really nice though, I'm pumped.
Thank you very much for doing my blog. And my wrist is doing well. I wear my bone stimulator every night I am at the flat. Same with the vitamins. Things are definitely going well and I'm excited to send some success stories.
I love you very much! Thank you for everything! Talk to you again on Monday!
Elder Misbach

Hey mom!
Sorry I was a day late today, we came in yesterday and had just enough time to read our emails when the power shut off, so we weren't able to do it yesterday. I will be emailing a day late next week too because it is a bank holiday on Monday next week.
Things are going well. I really enjoy serving with Elder Holman. It seems more like I'm serving with a really good friend of mine now. We were supposed to move into our new place tomorrow morning, but we just got a call and the moving van broke down. So now it will probably be later in the week. But the new place is supposed to be very nice. I really looking forward to it. Elder Holman knows Madi because they went to the same school. We are actually in the same graduating class, his birthday is just at the beginning of the school year (9 days from now actually). Things really are going well. We get along very well and we serve well together. Our area has nothing going for it right now, but we are confident that we will see miracles soon. Elder Holman's bike is broken and we have had to take a lot of time to clean the flat, so that is why things haven't been picking up. But after we are all settled in our new flat, the area will pick up, I know it will.
I still have yet to receive my mail because the zone leaders forgot it, hopefully I'll be able to get it this Saturday though. If not, I will have to wait for 2 weeks. I'm rather irritated that I don't have it, especially because Elder Holman is receiving a ton of mail because it's his birthday soon. But it's ok, I'm looking forward to when I get it.
Anyway, things are going well. Our companionship isn't has diligent as my last one was, and it sometimes gives me a guilty feeling. But as soon as we move and get Elder Holman's bike back we will be fine. We have a brand new missionary in our district named Elder Huges from Oklahoma. He is very cool and I look forward to our exchange together.
I love you very much. Tell everyone else I love them very much too. Thank for the emails and I hope I get my mail soon. Miss you! Love you!

This is of my new companion elder Holman, I took it while we were here at the library, that is why it is so unfortunate looking. The chapel at the top is the "Lawley Chapel" only three chapels of that design in existence-very nice.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

August 2, 2010

Our teaching pool is dwindling. We have pretty much lost all of our investigators. One night we taught these amazingly troubled people and as we left we found out that they flattened our tires (or tyres if you're English). Right after that a social worker for one of our 2 progressing investigators called and chewed out Elder Kersey. Now we can't teach that investigator anymore. The other progressing investigator said he doesn't want to get baptized anymore and his smoking is now getting worse. Other than that we really have no one. The night after that I had quite an argument with Elder Kersey. He was completely neglecting things that I was saying and other various things that I didn't appreciate, so we had a rather heated debate. But overall things are better then ever. Because of the argument we get along a lot better now. And on that one horrible day with the tires, I really wasn't irritated. I just kind of felt shock and pity for the people who did that. Yesterday was almost completely unsuccessful but I still felt good. I'm very glad to finally be able to consistently enjoy the work.
It is amazing how much England smells like smoke. I just had two people come and sit down at the computer next to me and they smell like one big lit cigarette. I don't know how it is in America but all of the cigarette boxes here have big bold letters on the front that say "Smoking Kills" and then facts about how bad it is. A few of them even have very graphic pictures of smoking related tumors and stuff. It is amazing how many people smoke!
I think I might have a really small piece of gravel in my hand from my bike crash, because it doesn't look like a scrape and it refuses to go away. The streets in Europe are so small it's ridiculous. I'm absolutely amazed that there aren't more accidents. People just park on the sidewalk. I had another crash last week. I wasn't injured, but right as it happened this car drove past and gave me an exaggerated laugh. I don't get bothered by those people though, the people in cars are really easy for me to ignore for some reason. Plus, I don't think they realize that when they drive past and yell things, it's impossible to understand them; especially for me because of their accents. It's kind of funny how many unintelligent things people say to us everyday. I think we cause so much negative emotions and hate in some people that they can't even think straight when they are trying to insult us, haha. It's a shame really. But things are going better and I seem to be finding the right mindset. It's not as hard. I'm starting to look forward to the mission and not just going back home.
That is really it. Not much happening. Lots of rejection at the moment, but I have a feeeling it's going to turn around soon.
I love you very much. Tell the family I love them as well. I miss you all and I hope everything is going great.

July 26, 2010


England is getting progressively better. I'm getting more involved in the work and that is very good. My scrape is all better now. I have been thinking about Kellie lately because we are biking a ton lately and since you guys are at the beach. We don't have a clip, we just tuck our pants into our socks, haha. It's looks awesome, especially when we forget to take them back out once we are at an investigators house. Golf was way fun, it was only a par 3 course, but I just love golf. I read about Papa Mike's hole in one, very cool.

I'm glad the beach is going well, I heard about the drive there and it didn't seem to great. I hope the drive back goes better. I actually miss the beach and I'm really looking forward to going when I get back.

Things have been pretty good over here. I had my first Zone Conference and it was interesting. I just missed the best Zone Conference they have ever had and there was a lot of reminiscing, haha, that wasn't that great. But it was good to see a lot more missionaries. I also found out that we wont be having zone conferences and meetings with the president ever transfer anymore, just 4 times a year, which I wasn't very pleased with. But it was good. I also went on my first real exchange with Elder Green. I was the "senior missionary" and it actually went really well, we had a lot of success. I was just so tired at the end of the day. We also found the new flat we will be moving to because we are being evicted. You should look at google earth with dad. This flat is in a MUCH nicer area and I'm very excited. The only other story worth telling is one that happened yesterday. It's the funniest experience I have had yet. We were teaching a woman from India the first lesson and at the end we invited her to pray in Malayan. So she did. And she just took off. It was like she was racing someone else to finish the prayer. Just this long, continuous, monotone chain of rambling. Elder Kersey and I were trying very hard to hold back the laughter. Then she, all of the sudden, slows down and in the creepy deep voice says "Jesus" but she paused just long enough for Elder Kersey to think that she was done so he said "amen" but then she just went right back into the race. At that point we were both shaking we were trying so hard not to laugh. She would periodically slow down and in that same creepy, deep voice say "alleluia" then start quick-praying again until the very end when she again did the slow down thing for "Jesus Christ...amen." It was the best! We did a good job of covering our laughing, I don't think they knew. I feel bad for laughing because of they way she prayed, but it was just so enjoyable.

Anyway, that's it really. I also gave a talk in sacrament which went well. But things are going better. I'll try to take some pictures to send.

I love you very much, and tell everyone else (including poochie) I love them too and miss them. Wish I could be there, and I hope the beach is awesome. Love you!

PS: If anyone feels so inclined to email me, I probably wouldn't have enough time to give them much of a response, but they can email me. They are included in "family." Basically 1st cousins is were the line is drawn. Love You!!

July 19, 2010


This week was a very interesting week. I had my first district meeting this week and on the way there totally fell on my bike and tore a big whole in the knee of my suit pants (hooray for missionary mall!! *sarcasm*). I also got a pretty bad scrape on my hand, but it is doing better. It wasn't bad, just irritating.

My companion makes some pretty great food. I don't ask him to cook, but it is really good.

He does eat with his mouth open which bugs me like no one's business and is not a tidy person. But I endure it. He really is a great elder, he is exactly obedient and corrects me when I do something wrong. I couldn't have asked for a better trainer.

I know that I haven't had the highest opinion of the beach in the past. But I'm definitely looking forward to it when I get back. I wish I could be there this year. And I definitely want to be with you guys for Disneyland. But that sounds way fun and I'm glad the vacation is soon.

We met five new investigators this week, which was great. Kaz is a man that talks incessantly and is obsessed with the second coming and Satan. His mom is Muslim and just stands there and yells at us while we teach him, haha. It's awesome. Jayson is an elderly, former investigator, that was very very enthusiastic about the message. He gave us his word he would show up at a certain time, and then wasn't there. I don't know about him. Michael is from Poland and speaks very little English but understands it well. He was giving all the right answers (with hand gestures and stuff) and I feel really good about him. Leanne is totally solid. She is from a part member family and wants to get baptized because her grandmother was very strong in the church and just recently passed away. The last person is Krissy, who I found yesterday. Her lesson was the most I have felt the spirit so far in the field. She shared that she had just lost a nephew and a really close friend. I testified about Jesus Christ and how He knows her pains and has felt them Himself so that she doesn't have to. I feel good about teaching her.

Other than that, things have been going pretty well. I went on splits with the assistants yesterday and it was cool. They are really good missionaries. It is raining way more, but once you are already drenched, it's kind of fun to preach the gospel in the rain. I have had a lot of good conversations with some really good people. I appreciate those people, because, if it wasn't for them, i would lose a lot of hope in humanity. I'm going golfing today!! A member is taking us and I'm stoked. Oh, and I finally received some letters from friends back home. Good stuff.

Anyway, I love you all very much and was way glad to get the emails. I hope the beach is awesome and goes very well. Miss you! Love you!

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